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Silence. Liam breaks the silence, and says, "Hey, um, I'm gonna go get some snacks. Henry, Lia? Wanna come with me?"

Liam gives the two a look, and the three walk out of the room.

"You're kind of bad at hiding it." Jake says, although he had no clue that Drew liked him until this moment.

"... Well it doesn't matter. You like someone else anyway. I don't care."

"Look, Drew. The person I said that I liked is you! I've been so into you ever since sophomore year. I never told you, because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."


"Yeah." A silence. But, it was a comforting silence. "Can I—?"

Drew interrupts him, "Yeah."

The two get closer and closer, until the gap between their mouths. They were not sure how much time the kiss lasted for, but they didn't care. It was comforting, knowing the other liked them back. They both pulled away.

"That was— yeah." Jake says, unsure what he would say.



"By the way, I don't care if you like Hailey or not. It doesn't bother me. I was just unsure if you liked me or not. You can ask her out."


"Yeah. Just make sure you don't show favoritism towards her or something." Drew mumbled.

"Of course I won't."

From behind the door, the three were standing there, listening in on their conversation.

"Jake really knows how to pull people, huh?" Liam observed.

"Why can't I get into a relationship? That's so unfair!" Henry complains.

"Well, stop acting like a simp around people you like, and maybe you won't scare people off."

"I scared you off?"

"Nah. You were just annoying."

"Wow! I can't believe—"

The door creaked open. Drew and Jake stared the three down.

"You guys are really bad at whispering." Drew notes. "Now let's get back inside and play some more games."


Iri was at work, excited to be done with it in thirty minutes. Two people walk into the mini shop and sit down. A girl with long white hair and blue eyes, and a girl with short brown hair in a pixie cut, and forest green eyes.

The girl with the white hair wore a casual baby blue dress, and sandals. She clipped her hair with two blue clips out of her eyes. The girl with the pixie cut wore a yellow shirt and blue overalls. She had a black beanie on her head.

"Hello! What would you like to order?"

"I would like—" The girls stated their orders, and Iri led them to sit down.

"Hey, um, I feel like I know you from somewhere." The girl with the pixie cut says, "But, I could be mistaking it."

"Oh! I feel like I've been running into people left and right, that I knew in middle school. Did you happen to go to Rosemeadow Middle School?"

"Well, she did." The white-haired girl said, "I didn't."

"My name's Iridessa, if it rings any bells. I go by Iri."

"Oh, didn't you leave in the middle of seventh grade? I thought you moved somewhere not nearby." The girl with the pixie cut asked.

"Yeah. I'll get your orders." Iri went to get the two's orders.

"You think she's cute, huh?" The white haired girl teases her.

"Shut up, Daisy."

"It's a shame that Jake didn't come to our mini-reunion. I don't think he ever read my message."

"How long ago did you text him to meet up here?"

"About an hour ago."

"How do you expect to plan things with the notice of an hour? You're so lucky I'm always free to hang out."

"Well, I thought it'd be nice. You haven't seen Jake in a few months, so I thought it'd be nice for you two to see each other again, Sam."

"Right. When we dated back in sixth grade, which I'll admit, was quite early to start a relationship looking back, he wasn't as emotionally available as he is now. I'm glad to see how he's changed. He's confident now, and I'm happy for him." Sam smiles.

"Your orders." Iri walks by with their orders in hand, "And also, I remembered who you are– you're Sam! I haven't seen you in ages."

The two converse, and exchange numbers. Daisy smirks at Sam, and Sam rolls her eyes in response, blushing ever so slightly. 

a really short chapter haha

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