Volleyball and Rehearsals

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Hailey hears the announcement over the P/A system, still in the middle of the volleyball game.

'I wonder what happened when the two left gym class? Please don't tell me Zander got into a fight...!'

"Hailey! Do you think Zander got into a fight with Emma?" Jake's voice asks from next to her, while they're both waiting for Liam to serve from the other team.

"Maybe. We can't assume anything yet, but I really hope he didn't. He could be suspended—"

Jake calls, "Hailey! The ball!"

Hailey bumps the ball so Drew can set it to Sadie. Sadie spikes it effortlessly.

Stacy cheers for her girlfriend, and Sadie smiles back at her.

Their team switches their positions, and Stacy is now serving for Hailey's team. Stacy overhand serves it, making a loud sound, and it's only saved by Luke bumping it, which also went over the net as well. Maria hits it over the net, and Henry sets it over to Lia, who spikes the ball, and gains a point for the other team.


"I want to ask you both what made you think it was okay to use violence on each other? You two will be meeting me in after-school detention in room 307."

"He punched me! It was an assault, and I defended myself!"

Zander stayed quiet and looked to the side, arms crossed. He knew that no matter what he said, he would sound foolish explaining. Zander knew that

he probably shouldn't have punched her, and that this wouldn't have escalated that much if he didn't.

"Thank you Emma, for answering the question. Alexzander?"

"It was partially my fault for starting the fight. But she definitely riled me up on purpose. I don't care if you believe what I have to say, but she definitely tried, and succeeded to piss me off."

"Thank you. You two may now go to class. Remember that detention is in Room 307 today after school."

The two walked out glaring at each other, and had no choice but to walk in the same direction towards the gym.

The nurse had already patched them up. Emma had tissues stuffed in her nose, and Zander had bandages on his arm. There was a bruise on Emma's face, and Zander had an injury not visible to people, as it was a bruise on his stomach.

They walked in silence to the gym, and opened the gym doors. Zander felt eyes on him as he walked to go sit on the bleachers. He continued his book that he was reading previously. Zander didn't get very far into it, and stopped when the bell cut him off. And finally, the day was over. Except for the fact that he had after-school detention.


Hailey's eyebrows furrowed. "Zander, why did you fight her? Mom's gonna murder you when you get home."

"Well, I can deal with it later. I know what I did was idiotic. I promise it won't happen again unless someone else hurts me first."

Hailey smiled in relief, "That's good. We were worried once we heard the announcement."

"I'm going to head to detention. Miss Jackson will kill me if I show up late."

"Alright then, Zander. Detention ends at four, right? You can come to the second half of rehearsal afterwards."

"Okay. I'll be there." The two parted ways, walking in opposite directions.

Hailey sighed, and entered the club's room. Sean sat there on his laptop, and Milly was finishing up some late math homework.

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