I'll Miss You

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"Hailey. If you're done simping for the other simp, can we leave?" Zander asks Hailey, who was very much preoccupied. "Y'know what, I'm just gonna go. You two are really gross."

"You can head on without me. I'll be at home like five minutes after you." Hailey responded. 

Zander starts walking on the path to his and Hailey's house, but Luke is also walking in the same direction. Awkward.

Luke stares at the trees they pass by, but doesn't dare to look in Zander's direction. Zander looks at his feet when he walks, both avoiding all possible eye contact.

Luke, albeit hesitant, starts, "Zander."


"I'm sorry."

Zander was very much taken aback by this, and responded, "What?! Why? You didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm sorry that I let my jealousy take over me. I thought it over. You didn't kiss back, he was the one to kiss you. I'm not saying that I'm ready to get back together, just yet. I still need some time. But, I wanted to let you know that I don't want this to be the end of our friendship."

Zander counters, "I still want to be friends too, don't get me wrong. But, I think you've got the wrong idea. I'm not innocent in this, and you have every right to be angry at me. I didn't stop him, and I deliberately tried to hide the truth from you."

Luke questions, "What do you mean? You didn't hide it, you told me. Sure, it could've been earlier, but you still confessed. I'm glad you didn't try to lie to me."

"Luke. If you're angry, let it out. You deserve to be able to yell at me if you want to. I hurt you." Zander finally makes contact with Luke's golden eyes.

Luke replies, "I wouldn't yell at you. I'm not as mad at you anymore. I'm still really angry at Andre, though." Although his tone was light hearted at the end, Zander was certain that he was in fact, serious.

"So, we're still friends for now?" Zander asked. He was grateful that Luke was kind enough to stay friends, but a selfish part of Zander wished they were still something more.

"Yeah. Friends." Luke smiles at Zander. Luke, too, hated the idea of not being with Zander. However, with everything that happened, he knew that it'd be best for the both of them to take a break for a little.

The two continued their way down the path, and eventually split up and went their separate ways.


Sean and Milly sat themselves at a small table at Stacy's Mamamia Pizza, a place they can both agree is their favorite pizza place.

"Elliot's planning on having a small birthday party soon, which means I have a chance at impressing him. Stacy, Sadie, and Daisy are all busy, and even if they weren't, they'd be too busy all flirting with each other the entire time. I'd have plenty of alone time with him."

Sean smirks and responds, "You say that so confidently, as if you don't freeze up when speaking with him."

Milly rolls her eyes, "Yeah, right. I've been talking with him just fine, I'll have you know."

"There's not long until you turn sixteen as well right? It's in a month and a half."

"Well, your birthday's so much sooner than mine. It's in like, three weeks from now." Milly estimates.

Sean smiles, "I guess I'll be an adult soon, then. It feels like yesterday when I was a freshman."

Milly snorts, "Remember those dumbass sunglasses you used to wear? Do you still have them?"

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