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"I'm tired, Liam! Drew's not coming back! And it's literally his house we're staying at." Henry laid his head on Liam, whilst complaining.

"Do you think he's okay? He said he was going on a walk, but it's been a while. Should we call him?" Liam worriedly plays with Henry's hair.

"Yeah." Liam's free arm grabs his phone and looks for Drew's contact to call.

Ring.... ring... ring...

"What?" Drew spoke from the other line.

"Dude, where are you?! You've gotten Liam worried sick!" Henry questions.

"I'm almost back, don't worry."

"Alright then. See ya' in a bit then." Liam hangs up the phone.

"Where do you think he went?" Liam asked Henry, who collapsed on Liam's lap.

"I'm too tired to think straight. Ask me in the morning."

"Ugh...!" Liam groaned, "You can't fall asleep yet! It's literally only ten!"

"Too bad, Liam. I'm still sleeping."

In about five minutes, Drew enters the room. Liam questions, "Why'd go out for that long?"

"To keep it short, I saw Jake hand another girl, who wasn't Hailey, flowers. She was very flushed, and the two seemed close."

"Really? That's kind of insane. We should get context first before jumping to conclusions, though." Liam replied, while playing with the sleeping Henry's hair.

"I don't want another repeat of the recording incident, so I'm willing to hear his explanation for it before getting mad." Drew picked at his nails.

"I think you should talk to him soon. But for now, let's watch the one Gacha film that Lia recommended."


Eventually, they both fell asleep as well.


Drew woke up to see Liam and Henry cuddling. He smirked, took a photo for blackmail, then left the room.

An hour afterwards, Henry wakes up. He notices that Liam was very much hugging him, and he didn't know what to do. His face was pink, and he didn't fully come to the reason why.

Liam was just his friend, right? So why was he feeling like his heart was about to explode?

Drew enters the room, and meets eye contact with Henry. "Aren't you gonna get off of him?"

"I-I can't! He's hugging me, if I move, he'll wake up...!"

Drew rolls his eyes, "Just get off of him. The fact that we were able to talk at this volume shows how knocked out he is."

Henry nervously gets off of Liam. Henry and Drew exit the room.

"You have a type, alright." Drew mentions.

Henry, in confusion asks, "What do you mean by that?"

"Both Lia and Liam start with 'Lia'."

Henry flushed red, "That's implying I like Liam!"

"It sure looked like it when you were cuddled with him." Drew takes out his phone, "See, look at this picture."

"Why'd you take that?! It makes things look weird!" Henry argues, "Besides, can't you cuddle with your homie?"

"You were literally on his lap sleeping when I came back last night. Your 'homie' was playing with your hair." 

"Actually, speaking of you coming back last night," Henry changes the subject, "Where were you? You worried Liam sick."

Parties, Heartache, and Music (TMF Fanfic) || Discontinued !!Where stories live. Discover now