She'll Be Left Alone Anyway

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Before the second period started, Liam tried to use the few minutes of downtime as a chance to speak with Henry. "Hey, Henry? Can we talk?"

And before Liam knew it, Henry was gone somewhere else, engaging in conversation with other people. He really was avoiding him, huh?

Once everyone got seated, Liam tried once more, "Henry, can we talk about it—?"

"Liam, I expect silence, and no distractions when I'm teaching a lesson." The teacher called him out, and Liam felt his frustration grow more. Liam gently nudged Henry, trying to get his attention.

Henry didn't give any reaction, and continued staring at where the teacher was, head lying in his folded arms on the desk. Liam nudged him again, albeit slightly harder than before, which moved him enough that he'd notice it.

Liam started to get irritated. He knew that Henry was purposely ignoring him. He nudged him harder than the last time, which now felt more like a shove. The teacher spoke, "Liam! What did I tell you before? No distractions. Let's move you to where Hailey's sitting, okay?"

"..." Liam stood in silence, and walked to the back of the class where Hailey sat, all whilst glaring at Henry.

He slumped in his seat, and zoned out throughout the lesson. Hailey looked at him concernedly, but continued to write notes on the lecture.

"Alright! It's now work time for those presentations. Some of you need to get your grade up, so work hard on this one. The rest of the period is work time, but you all are to sit in your seats."

Liam laid his head on the desk in frustration. Hailey starts, "Hey, Liam...? Are you okay?"

It felt weird, still, for Hailey to ask Liam how he felt. Liam thought so too, and raised an eyebrow in confusion, until he remembered that they weren't fighting anymore. "Henry gave me flowers, but refuses to talk about it."

"Do you know exactly what you want to say?" Hailey asks. Liam shakes his head. Hailey continues, "Then don't try until you figure that out first. It'll make everything worse if you beg to speak with someone when you don't even know what to say. Trust me, I know."

They both understood that Hailey was referencing Jake's attempts at explaining himself in September.

"I just don't get it, I can't tell if he meant it platonically or not. He's been my bro for years, I don't want to make it weird by misinterpreting the situation."

Hailey rolls her eyes, "Just confess to him. He's not gonna want to say anything to you at this point. He likes you back, I'm sure of it."

"How do you know?" Liam questioned.

"It's obvious. Think about it, would someone who gave flowers to their platonic friend get so nervous to the point that they're ignoring them?"

Once class ended, Hailey and Liam left their seats, and went their own separate ways. Hailey had a free period, whilst Liam had Algebra 2.

Hailey walked to the music room, meeting with Jake and Luke there. Jake was humming Luke's song, 'Seasons'. Luke looked tense as Jake hummed the song written about Zander.

Hailey elbowed Jake, and gave him a look that indicated him to shut up. Jake looks at her in confusion. She gestures towards Luke.

Jake asks, "What did I do?"

Hailey facepalmed, "Jake..."

Luke attempts to reassure them, "Don't worry about it. It's fine, guys."

Hailey continued to frown, and Jake looked puzzled at what just happened. Hailey mouthed something along the lines of 'I'll tell you later'.

Hailey turned back towards Luke, "I heard from Stacy that in your guys' English class, you're writing poetry."

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