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t/w: abuse

At the end of the school day, the music club all went to the venue they were going to perform in. The place wasn't very big, but there was a seating area with a stage. In the back, there was a concession stand.

Milly gaped at the space on the stage, and excitedly did a cartwheel in the middle of it. Hailey rolled her eyes, and continued, "Here's our space we'll be performing in. Let's go over our transitions. First, when we go on stage, we come from stage left. We start with Tonight, and that's where me and Jake start singing. We'll do the same position we had during the competition. Everyone, go where your spots are."

Hailey smiled in confidence that the club will get their spots right. "The next song is Redemption, so Milly swap places with Jake, and I'll stay where I am for my backup vocals. During Band-Aid, Jake switches with Milly back, and I move back to my initial position in front of Sean."

Hailey continued down the list, and ran through the transitions.


"That's all for today. If you have any questions, just ask me." Hailey concluded practice, albeit earlier than usual, and everyone started heading out.

Hailey called Shannon, asking for a ride home. She was going to be there in five minutes, so Hailey decided to engage in some small talk with the rest of the members.

"Hailey, can you believe it?! I'm gonna hang out with Elliot alone on his birthday!" Milly jumped up and down, excitedly.

Sean laughed, "Ohoho, is that a date I smell?"

"Shut up, Sean!" Milly argued, but soon went back to calming down, "But yeah, kinda."

"You just need to tell him you like him, Milly." Hailey suggested.

"I-I can't. It's nerve-wracking!"

"And it's probably just as nerve-wracking, if not more nerve-wracking for him!" Zander added.

"I'll do it sometime after his birthday." Milly fiddled with her purple jacket.

"Alright, don't chicken out of this one, Pink-Haired Devil!" Jake smirked. Milly lightly punched Jake in the arm.


Shannon took Luke, Hailey, and Zander home. "Luke, are you fine going home today, or do you want to stay a little more at our place?"

"Um, I think I'll be okay going home today." Luke smiled, "Thank you, though."

"It's no problem! Remember you're always welcome at our house!"

Luke gets out of the car, and walks into the house. Hailey and Zander watch him go inside, and Shannon drives to their house.


"Yes, Hailey?" Shannon answered.

"Jake asked me on a date tomorrow. Is it alright if I leave to go there?"

"Hailey, I thought we told you that you were grounded! You can't just bend the rules like that."

"Please, mom? I'll do all of the dishes until Monday."

"Hm, you can go if you do all of the dishes for everyone until Thursday next week." Shannon replied.

"Thanks so much, mom! Will dad be angry?"

"He's not going to be home tomorrow, anyway. He has plenty of teacher meetings to attend. You can go, but get home before seven, because that's when your father comes home."

"Okay. I'll keep that in mind."

Zander read a book in the back of the car. Hailey often wonders how he doesn't get motion sickness from it, but she's given up on questioning him on it.


Sam and Jake walked into the flower shop that Elliot helps out in. Daisy occasionally volunteers here as well.

"Now that you have a date scheduled, you should give her flowers! It'll be romantic!" Jake suggested.

"Wouldn't that be too much for a first date? I don't wanna come off as overbearing or something." Sam fidgeted with her drawstrings.

Jake smiled, "Nah, don't worry about that! It won't be too much! I have a gut feeling that Iridessa would like irises most."

By 'gut feeling', Jake meant that Iridessa had told him herself.

"Okay then. I'll buy these irises." Sam was already carrying a few bags from shopping earlier. Jake notices, and takes the flowers to the checkout, and uses Sam's money to pay.

The two walk out of the store. Jake asks, "Do you want me to carry these for you, or do you feel comfortable carrying them yourself?"

"I can take them, it's fine. I'm kind of nervous though." Sam flushed at the thought of going on a date with Iridessa.

"It'll be okay! Just call if you need backup!" Jake reassured her.

From a distance, Drew was watching the two interact. Originally he was going on a casual walk, but then he saw them.

'Why was Jake giving her flowers? Why was she blushing?'

He wasn't able to make out any of the conversation, but he scowled at the idea of Jake flirting with someone else.

Drew thought to himself, 'God, I look like a stalker.'

He immediately turned around the other way. He'll ask Jake about it another time.


Luke walked into his house and immediately passed the adults in the living room, and to his room.

"Luke? Sweetie, you should come say hi." Luke's mom asked politely.

"Don't you have work now?" Luke pulled his mother to the side.

His mother averted her eyes, "I was fired from that shift. I applied for some more jobs, so soon I'll be able to get a new one. Don't worry about me."

She said that in a low voice. Luke nodded, "If there's anything more I can do, tell me. I want to help."

"Luke!" His grandmother called from the living room. "Come out here, we want to say hi."

Luke hesitantly walked towards them, "Hello."

"Where were you? I thought your school day ended at three?" His grandmother asked.

"I had band practice so I stayed behind."

"So you're still doing that music thing?" Luke's grandfather asked.

Luke nodded. Luke's mother replied, "He's very talented with the drums!"

"Excuse me, I have homework to work on. So, I've got to go, sorry." Luke awkwardly tried to find some kind of excuse, any kind of excuse to leave.


Sean walked into his house, trying to avoid any contact with his parents. They were screaming loudly at each other. Sean grabbed his headphones and put them on, blocking out the noise of the fighting.

He hurried to his room, an attempt to get as far away as he possibly can.

"Sean! Get back here!" His father shouted. Sean felt his hand tremble as he walked towards the front of the house.

"Y-Yes dad?" The fear in his eyes was evident.

"Where have you been?"

This question confused Sean, considering that he's never cared. "Band practice."

"Oh, I forgot you did that. Your idiot mother was shouting nonsense about where you were. Go back to your room, now!"

Sean walked back to his room, worried that when he wasn't looking, a glass bottle might be thrown at him. When he made it to his room without any injuries, he let out a sigh of relief. He put on his headphones, and went into his own world. 

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