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A throbbing headache. Milly wakes up, feeling heavier than usual. She notices that Hailey had turned around sideways in her sleep, and her legs were on Milly's stomach.

'I didn't realize that Hailey was a chaotic sleeper.'

Milly moves Hailey's legs off of her, and gets out of bed. She walks out into the kitchen, where Jake and Sean sit. Jake is taking medication of some sorts.

"Hey, guys. Jake, do you have a hangover cure or something?"

"Yeah. I'll get some for you." Jake gets up, and stumbles over to the cabinet.

"Dammit. I forgot my meds at home." Milly says, frustratedly.

"What medications do you take in the first place?" Sean asks her.

"Amphetamine. ADHD meds." Milly says quickly.

"Oh! I actually have some," Jake says, "Lemme get that for you."

"Oh, is that what you were taking earlier?" Sean asks.

Jake replies, "Nope, that's Milo's. The doctors said that I should take non-stimulants instead, because I also have anxiety to add onto the ADHD."

"I didn't know you had anxiety." Milly says.

"Well, it's not exactly something that I flaunt about," Jake hands Milly a bottle of water and the prescription bottle, "Here you go, by the way."

Milly takes the orange prescription bottle, and reads it once more to make sure it's the right one. It in fact, is the right one.

"Ugh, why did we even go to that party anyway...?" Zander's voice speaks from the mattress. Since he was in the living room, he was able to be heard by the rest.

"Well, you had fun, didn't you?" Jake smiles.

"Mm... not really. It could've been better." There was a mutual understanding that Zander wasn't being fully serious. Zander gets up and looks for a hangover cure.

"You guys were all a handful last night. I still don't think you should have drank, but I'm not in control of you. But, it was definitely a sight to see." Sean says.

"Well, I remember looking outside, and seeing Zander and Luke make out. They were really getting into it." Milly says bluntly.

Zander immediately turns red, "You-! Why are you spying on us?!"

"Well you weren't exactly lowkey about it. And I wasn't spying on you! I was looking for Maria! She disappeared on me, and then I walked out to see you two! I didn't want to see that either!"

Zander, although he was embarrassed, felt weirdly guilty. Why was he even guilty in the first place again? Zander clutches his head. "Urgh...! I feel like I'm on the verge of remembering something...!"

"Well, you were generally just with Luke, Hailey, Iri and Andre-"

Zander interrupts Milly, "I remember now."

The pit in Zander's stomach grows even deeper. He looks at Luke peacefully sleeping, unaware of what he had done last night. Shame. Zander felt ashamed for what he had done.

"What happened between you two? I feel like you have been tense around Luke," Milly continues, "Like, whenever you look at him, you have this awkward look on your face."

"No I don't!" Zander shouts too quickly and loudly for his own liking.

"Okay, let's not pry. If you want to talk about it, we're here Zander. If not, we'll give you space." Sean says, understandingly.

Creak. Jake's bedroom door opens, and Hailey walks out with a messy bedhead. She rubs at the corners of her eyes. "Why are you guys all so loud...? I just wanted to sleep in peace..."

Zander hands Hailey over some hangover cure, and she takes it out of his hands.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be so grouchy in the morning, princess." Jake smirks at Hailey.

Hailey yawns, "I'm too tired-"

"Then go to sleep, idiot. No one asked for you to come out here." Zander curtly interrupts her.

"Shut up Zander! You are literally the whole reason I woke up! Mom texted me. She wants us to come home soon, and that you weren't answering your texts-" Hailey stops for a moment, and notices everyone staring at her. "What?"

"You're not too tired to yell at me." Zander smugly says in reply, "I always know how to wake you up."

"You should have seen Hailey in the morning when I woke up! I never expected her to be such a chaotic sleeper, but when I woke up, her legs were on my stomach, and she was sideways! She looked passed out, it was super funny!"

"Whatever." Hailey rolled her eyes playfully at Milly, "Zander, can you wake your boyfriend up? We've got to go, quickly."

Zander walks over to Luke who is still, in fact, knocked out. "Hey, Luke?" No response. "Wake up, please." Luke grumbles, frustratedly.

"Please, Luke? We need to go home quickly."

"Just wait one moment..."

"No, let's not wait one moment. We have to go now!"

"Mm... I'm tired." Zander literally dragged Luke out of his sleeping bag. Finally, Luke complied and got up. Hailey handed Luke some hangover cure, and after he took some, the group left the household.

"Okay, first stop, Zander and Hailey's. Then we'll go to Luke's, because it's closest to there. Then Milly will be dropped off at her place." Sean says, "Then I'll drive to my house, and then Jake, you'll take over the driver's seat, and go back home."

Hailey was busy fixing her hair in the small mirrors that were provided in the front of the car. She was worried about being interrogated by her parents. Zander also shared the same worries, but he was more anxious about another issue. The two are dropped off at their house, and the car drives away.

"Hailey, Alex! Get inside!" Shannon's voice called from the front door. Hailey's stomach dropped. Zander nervously sweats. Once the two siblings were inside the house, Shannon continued, "We need to have a conversation. Sit down in the living room."

Parties, Heartache, and Music (TMF Fanfic) || Discontinued !!Where stories live. Discover now