Chapter 4

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I'm whirl winded by the attention this story has recently been getting! It went from 20 reads to 110 reads and 15 votes! This is all very exciting and all of this motivates me to write more, and quicker! So if you like this story leave a comment or vote ! Thank you all so much! And I promise more interested stuff is coming up, the first few chapters I really just had to introduce you guys to the plot and characters!!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than the story line and the characters I created, nothing more.

Today had been their last day of speed training before the official season began, and they all decided to go out to lunch together to celebrate. Even Andy was invited.

"Guys let's carpool because I don't like driving alone." Andy suggested

"You don't like driving alone," Derrick repeated confused, "then how the hell to do you drive yourself everywhere else."

"I still do it," Andy sighed, "I just don't like to!"

"Okay, that's fine Andy you can ride with me I guess." Allison breathed, with a smile.

"Hey me and Jimmy are riding with you guys too." Joakim said, "The rest of you can figure it out." He laughed as everyone started making their way to the parking lot.

"I was gonna ride with Taj anyways." Derrick mocked

They finally made it to their cars and while the other players loaded up into two cars, Andy, Jimmy and Jo climbed into Allison's SUV.

"Okay, ready to go?" She asked from the driver's seat, looking through her rearview mirror.

"Yup let's gooo." Joakim confirmed

"Hold on a sec." Andy interrupted, "I can't get my seatbelt on."

"Jesus Andy," Allison sighed, leaning over to the passenger's seat to buckle Andy's seatbelt for him.

"Thank you." He said smugly, crossing his arms.

"Al, put the radio on!" Joakim called from the back as they pulled out into the street, following Taj.

"What station do you want?" she asked, keeping her eyes on the road but also turning up the volume.

"I don't care, just somethin." Jimmy replied

"Andy would you?" She asked referring to the radio

"Oh sure." He replied fidgeting with the different buttons on the dashboard before finally deciding on one the moment they entered the restaurant parking lot.

"Can one of you grab my bag from the trunk?" Allison asked, as she put the car in park and took the keys out of the ignition.

"Yeah, I'll get it." Jimmy obliged, reaching into the back to get her brown bag,

"Here." He said, exiting the vehicle and handing her the bag.

"Thanks, J." She whispered, throwing her keys in the bag in the process.

Andy held the door for everyone as the hostess began seating them.

Everyone settled into their large table, Allison sitting in between Jimmy and Andy. She was always getting stuck with Andy for some reason.

Once everyone's food and drinks arrived to the table, Joakim raised his cup slightly.

"Just wanna say that I'm thankful for all of y'all and I know we're gonna kill it this season because of all the hard work we've all been putting in, and to Allison too." He smiled, as everyone else started to clink their glasses to each other's and laughing.

Spending three months with these guys, caused Allison to really become close with them. Although, she was training for pre-season, they would still be training together during the season as well, so she was going to be seeing a lot more of these guys.

"Who's coming over to watch the Hawks game tonight?" Jimmy asked to the table, referring to the Chicago team of the Blackhawks.

Most of the players raised their hands or raid me if they were going to make it to Jimmy's tonight to watch the game.

"Am I invited?" Andy asked, peeking his head over.

"You know you are Andy." Jimmy reassured, as Andy smiled and nodded in response, "What about you Walker, will I see you tonight?" He asked.

"Hmm," Allison thought it over while taking a sip of her water, "Yeah, I'll be there." She smiled


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