Chapter 41

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Hey guys it's Kendra, hope you guys like this chapter! I also just started a story a Derrick Rose story if any of you are interested and want to read it,called Enough Time. Anyways, thanks so much!

"You're sure?" Jimmy questioned, looking down to her.

Allison nodded in response. She wasn't sure why, but she didn't mind if he stayed. In reality, she really didn't want him to go.

"Okay." Jimmy mumbled, relaxing back into his seat, and gluing his eyes back to the television screen. They sat there for a moment and Jimmy hesitantly put his arm around her, "is this okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." She whispered in response, scooting a little closer to him, but not letting herself get too close. Allison didn't want to turn this into a mess she couldn't clean up, they were just hanging out. That was it.

Hours had come and gone and Allison hadn't realized that she had fallen asleep. Her eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the, much too bright, television and she saw Jimmy sound asleep. She smiled to herself for a moment before looking at the time. It was late. She gently unpeeled herself from his grasp and watched him for a minute as she saw his chest rise and fall in the same rhythmic movement. Snapping out of it, she went to her closet and grabbed a pillow and blanket for him. Softly picking up his head so she wouldn't wake him, Allison slipped the pillow under him and rested him on top. Then, she shook out her large, tan blanket and draped it over the rest of his body, slightly tucking it under his toes. She remembered him being a sort of heavy sleeper, so she flinched a little when he began stirring in his sleep.

Taking this as her time to get to bed herself, Allison quietly tiptoed to her own bedroom and laid herself down under the covers. They were just hanging out.


Allison woke up the next morning to find Jimmy still sleeping. She remembered him usually sleeping in late, but her first day back at work was game day, and she didn't want him to be late either.

"Hey!" She whisper-yelled to him. No response. She rolled her eyes, put her cup of coffee down on the table next to the couch and tried again, "Jimmy!" she said a little louder, closer to his ear. He stirred slightly, but still didn't get up. She rolled her eyes and sat on the edge of the couch. She grabbed his hand and started shaking his arm, "Wake up, or we're both gonna be late!" She said, continuing to vigorously shake his arm.

"Huh?" Jimmy managed to get out, and he opened his eyes. Allison threw his arm back towards him and got up off the couch.

"It's already 11:30," Allison observed, "C"mon, and get up or we're gonna be late." She repeated.

"Oh shit." He said, sitting up, "Damn, I was out." He stated.

"Yeah, I know." Allison shook her head, with a laugh.

"When'd this get here?" Jimmy asked, looking at the pillow and blanket surrounding him.

"Well I didn't wanna kick you out so late, you were already sleeping," Allison explained, "So, before I went to bed I got you them." She shrugged, sipping her coffee, "Want coffee?" She offered.

"No," Jimmy shook his head, "I shouldn't." He admitted, trying to stay less jittery since he had a game today.

"Okay, well-" Allison began

"Thanks," Jimmy interrupted, "by the way."

"Yeah," Allison nodded, "It's whatever." She managed to say, suddenly feeling embarrassed, "You can use the bathroom or whatever you need," She offered, changing the subject, "I'm done so it's all yours." She shrugged.

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