Chapter 30

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Hey guys, its Kendra and I just want to give a quick disclaimer: I ONLY own the plot and characters that I have created. I don't own anything related to the Bulls, thank you.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, patting her on the back lightly to sooth her.

"I..." Allison choked out, "can't believe this." She admitted, letting a few tears drop from her watery eyes.

"Maybe he has some kind of explanation?" Jack posed as a question, trying to maybe give her a piece of hope.

"No," She shook her head, standing up, "There's no reason for this," She stuttered out, "I just..."

"I know." Jack nodded taking her into a hug

"I love him," She whispered, embracing Jack, "What'd I do wrong?"

"A, nothing," He replied, pulling away and trying to comfort her, "This is not  your fault."

"You know what?" She asked, stepping away and wiping the remaining tears from her face, "I'm gonna go and figure this all out." She sniffled, "But, are you okay?"

"Yeah," Jack shrugged, "I mean it's been with me for a while, the picture," he explained, "So I've kinda had my time to feel upset, you know?"

"You should've told me sooner." Allison said with disappointment.

"I didn't want to give you added stress when you were gone," He sighed, "I just wanted you to go through that with a clear mind," He said, "Plus, I really liked Jimmy for you, so I was really hoping this wasn't gonna happen." He frowned

"I get it." She nodded, grabbing her bag, "Thanks for telling me, but, I have to go."


Allison got to Jimmy's house and made sure she didn't look like she'd been crying. The last thing she wanted was for him to find out he'd caused her tears.

She took a deep breath before walking up to the door she'd gotten so familiar with and knocking slightly.

"Hey," Jimmy greeted her, with a huge smile as he moved away from the opening to let her come in, "How'd it go?" he asked

"Oh," She said, trying to keep her breathing steady, "I guess Kelly cheated on him." She shrugged. She could see the expression Jimmy gave, and she felt so stupid to not have seen it earlier. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop the tears that were starting to form in her eyes, "He showed me this picture..." she sniffled.

"Baby..." Jimmy trailed off.

"And it's super  interesting, maybe you wanna take a look?" She insisted cynically, pulling out her phone to reveal to him the photo Jack had showed her.

Jimmy took one look at the picture and his heart fell. He knew this whole situation would unravel eventually, but he just wished it would've come from him. "Allison..." Jimmy began, "I am so sorry."

He didn't know what to say. He knew this would end up in a mess, how could he let himself be so dumb? He couldn't lose her, he just couldn't.

"Are you kidding me?" She objected, " Now you're sorry?"

"Please just let me explain," Jimmy said to her, as she began looking for the small amount of belongings she regularly kept as his place, "Please." He pleaded, his emotions running high.

"Let you explain what, exactly?" She asked, shoving her clothes into her much too small bag, "How you slept with my best friend, and then lied to me about it?" She demanded, throwing her hands up in anger.

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