Chapter 42

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"Hello?" Allison asked into her phone, it was five in the morning (and her day off) she really wasn't in the mood.

"Hey, I know I'm calling super early but it's an emergency." Andy said

"What?" Allison sighed, sitting up in bed.

"Jasmine is really sick," Andy began, "I'm supposed to go with the guys to their game in Milwaukee, but I was hoping the best person ever would fill in for me so I could stay home and take care of her."

Allison took a deep breath, she honestly didn't have anything else to do and she figured she owed Andy one.

"Fine," She said, rubbing her eyes, "What time?"

"I usually ride the bus with them," Andy said, "Today their leaving at 6, so in like an hour."

"Ugh," Allison groaned, "Alright fine, I'll call Fred."

"I already did." Andy giggled.

"What if I would've said no?" She questioned.

"But, you didn't." Andy pointed out, "Anyways, hurry up and get out of bed you have to leave in an hour!"

"Alright, fine Andy I'm going, I'm going." She insisted, as she got out of bed.

"Thank you, so so much." He babbled.

"Yeah yeah," Allison yawned, "Look I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, thank you!" He repeated.

"Goodbye, Andy." She said, finally hanging up. She had a little under an hour to change, pack a small bag and get to the bus. She was pretty sure she'd never packed quicker in her entire life, because she was ready to leave with ten minutes to spare.

She honestly didn't care what she looked like at this hour. Not bothering to put make up on, she made her way to where the team was with a sweatshirt on and her hair thrown up. Finally arriving, she parked her car and lugged her small suitcase and backpack to where she saw the team huddling and loading their belongings onto the very large bus.

"Hey, what are you doin here?" Joakim asked her with surprise. He and Derrick were the last two players to have to get on the bus.

"I'm filling in for Andy, for today and tomorrow." She shrugged.

"You look tired as hell." Derrick added.

"That's because Andy only asked me to come an hour ago, so I wasn't exactly ready for this." She laughed, as they helped her put her small suitcase in the trunk.

"Ready?" Derrick asked her, as he began walking up the few steps into the bus.

"I guess." She muttered, following behind him and seeing most of the players already situated in their seats either with headphones in or just trying to get some more sleep.

"Oh, good you made it." Fred said, acknowledging her as she scoped out a place to sit, "I think there's a seat next to Taj." He mentioned.

She nodded and made her way towards the middle of the bus, where she saw a vacant seat next to a very drowsy looking Taj. Of course it was a middle seat in a row of three, and Fred 'forgot' to mention it was also next to Jimmy. Jimmy looked like he'd passed out the second he sat down; Allison smiled to herself as she lightly touched Taj's shoulder to let him know she'd be sitting there.

"Hey, what are you doin here, A?" Taj asked, struggling to keep his eyes open.

"I'm filling in for Andy." She whispered, trying to situate herself in her seat, and rest her head so she could try and get some sleep too.

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