Chapter 7

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Thanks so much for all the reads and votes, it means a lot to me!!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything other than the story line and the characters I created, nothing more.

"What?" Jimmy asked confused, "Who?" he asked, clearing his throat.

"Really?" Taj asked, with a skeptical grin, "You know I'm talking about Allison."

"Oh," Jimmy nodded, pretending to think it over, "No I don't, why would you even ask that man."

"Look at you man." Taj laughed, "You're gettin all bothered."

"No I'm not," Jimmy defended, shaking his head, "I just wanna know why you're asking."

"Well it just seems obvious." Taj shrugged, "You look at her with these eyes like," Taj explained as he began to imitate Jimmy by making dreamy eyes.

"Shut up," Jimmy laughed, throwing a pillow at his friend and teammate.

"I'll just wait," Taj said smugly, "I mean I get it, she's hot."

Jimmy just shook his head and dug his fingers into a pillow while he tried to focus on the television.

"I mean if you don't do anything with her, maybe I will." Taj cracked a smile.

"You're not funny," Jimmy rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna go shower, I'm done with you." Jimmy laughed shaking his head.

"Mhm," Taj breathed, leaning back in his chair, "I bet you are."


"Y'all ready yet?" Joakim called from outside Jimmy's door after he had knocked on it a few times.

Tonight they had a benefit dinner party to go to, so everyone was getting all dressed up.

"Sorry." Jimmy apologized, answering the door in his suit as he tightened his tie, "Let's go."

"Hey wuddup man, lookin good." Derrick called from the back seat of their car.

"Not so bad yourself." Jimmy laughed as he got into the back with Derrick and Joakim got in the passenger's seat.

"Can you give me that last address one more time?" the driver asked

"Who else are we getting?" Jimmy asked

"Allison." Derrick answered as the car began speeding off.

They arrived at Allison's apartment complex in a matter of minutes and were just waiting on her to come to the car.

"I'm guessing we're gonna be stuck back here." Jimmy said aloud, referring to the only seat available in between him and Derrick, meaning it would be a full car.

"I'll go get her; I don't know what's taking her so damn long." Joakim rolled his eyes, "Women." he stated as he got out of the car and began heading up to Allison's apartment.

He went up to her door and right as he was about to knock, the door opened revealing his friend in a little black dress putting her earrings in as her dog was barking behind her.

"Sorry I'm running late," she apologized sincerely as she joined Joakim in the hall to lock her door, "I was having a crisis." She sighed.

"Damn, A," Joakim nodded, "You're lookin good." He complimented the girl he was so used to seeing in running shorts and t shirts.

"Well thanks." She laughed as they made their way down to the lobby in the elevator, "Ready to have a good time?"

"Always." He replied as they went out towards the car.

Derrick got out of the car once he saw them approaching so that Allison could get it.

"You look beautiful." He said to her as she greeted him with a hug

"Thanks," she smiled, "You guys clean up good yourselves." She admitted once she slid in to the middle seat beside Jimmy, "Hey." She smiled at him as she put her seat belt on.

"Hey." He greeted back, he just couldn't get what Taj was saying to him out of his head.

"You okay?" she asked him quietly as she put her hand on his arm while Derrick got back in beside her and the car sped off.

He just nodded and looked out the window, while Allison just turned away from him confused. She took out her phone while she heard Joakim and Derrick laughing about something in the background, she wasn't very interested.

They arrived and walked up to see where they would be sitting, Joakim, Allison and Jimmy were all at the same table with Taj and two others.

Looking for table number four Allison spotted her friend, Kelly and her boyfriend. She left the group and started making her way over there.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" She smiled widely, embracing her friends.

"Jack's dad is the founder so they invited us." Kelly explained, "I had no idea you'd be here until I saw your name at our table." Allison sat down next to them as they waited for the rest of their table to make their way to their seats.

"God, I'm so relieved you guys are here tonight," Allison admitted, "Somethin is going on and I don't know if it's just me or what but there's this tension and I'm just glad you're here." She began rambling as Taj and Joakim sat down beside her, leaving Jimmy's seat open.

"Sorry," Allison excused herself for not introducing everyone yet, "Joakim and Taj this is Jack and Kelly." She informed.

They all began to get into a funny group conversation when Jimmy finally decided to join them as the lights dimmed a bit and Jack's dad took the stage. He introduced the night and thanked everyone for coming as he explained the auction tables that were situated on the other side of the banquet hall.

"Oh my god," Kelly said, as her face went from laughing to blank.

"What?" Allison whispered to her confused.

"Look who's here."

"What the hell is he doing here?"

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