Chapter 14

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Although most of you are team purple, I am team maroon because only I know why Jungkookie is acting like this. And only I know how is he going to act in the future.
(If most of you don't know what I'm talking about, you can check my conversation box)

Jungkook doesn't know how to feel. He couldn't ignore the tears that fell out of the trueblood's eyes. He knew they weren't fake. He knew they weren't forced. That they were real.
The real emotions of how the trueblood felt for him were showcased right in front of his eyes.

He walks down the aisle, not the trueblood nor him was willing to break the eye contact they both were holding. Jungkook believes in the language of eyes. The only part of your body which cannot be manipulated, which cannot lie.

Does Jungkook believe in the trueblood? Unfortunately, he doesn't. The past scars are still fresh enough to stop him from believing the truth. The truth that may change his life for good or may be bad. He doesn't want to risk the life he is currently living. Although it isn't full of mirth, but he is content in whatever he has.

Jungkook could hear the loud cheerings of the pack members. Some of them dancing, some of them almost crying by how happy they were. His eyes fall on his mother who  looked too happy for her own good. Jungkook had never seen her this happy.

Jungkook was glad that atleast most of them were happy by this arrangement. His happiness never really mattered to him. Thinking about it, even this marriage was happening only because his mother asked him to.

He comes to stand beside the trueblood who by now had stoped crying and had a sweet smile displayed on his handsome face. Taehyung isn't really good at showing his emotions in front of anyone. But at this moment, when he saw his fated one walk down the aisle, he couldn't control his emotions. Taehyung doesn't remember the last time he had cried. Now watching his fated one standing beside him, although he knows the other isn't happy but his determination on making the other feel safe and content in his presence keeps him going.

One of the oldest alpha from the pack comes ahead and gives both the mates a chain which they were supposed to wear in their neck. The chain was made up of pure gold with their respective names written on it. Jungkook was supposed to wear Taehyung a chain of his name while Taehyung gives Jungkook the chain of his own name.

A few spells were spoken by the oldest alpha before the mates were asked to put the chain around each other's neck.

Alpha Taehyung turns towards the alpha who had his eyes looking everywhere but him. Taehyung unhooks the chain before bringing it near the alpha's neck. They both  were standing so close to each other that the trueblood could hear the alpha's raising heartbeats.

Taehyung hooks the chain around the alpha's neck, a smile appearing on his face when he sees his name dangling around the other's chest. The chain was a symbol of belonging. The sign that the alpha belongs to Taehyung. That he is the fated one of the trueblood.

Jungkook too turns around, now facing the trueblood. He then hooks the chain with his name dangling at the centre around the trueblood's neck. He watches how the trueblood traces his hand over his name before pressing it closer to his heart.

The whole crowd erupted with joy and happiness when they witnessed that their head alpha and luna were officially together. Whistles and claps were heard with the over excited pack members dancing along the tune of the music.

"Alpha Jeon Jungkook please take a step forward and slit your finger, let a few drops of your blood spill into this pot.", the oldest alpha says while gesturing Jungkook to move near the pot.

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