Pool Party

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The day of the pool party arrived. Brie had been angered to find her identical twin hadn't returned home the night before and that JJ had been sent off for a fun weekend with their grandparents. Brie's mood only soured more upon being given the lecture about her recent behavior towards her siblings, her mother being clear her future actions would have consequences if she continued down her current path. Something the younger Bella twin had ignored, while her focus had returned to the party she was now well aware she'd not only couldn't host but also couldn't attend due to the new curfew in place for her.

"Unfair" yelled Brie when she ran from the dining room. Nikki had been allowed a sleepover Friday night and would be due back later that day, after attending her own party with friends. Whereas JJ was due back Sunday morning. Both of them got a fun weekend and spent time with friends, whereas she had been grounded and denied any sense of fun. "If I can't do things then Nikki and JJ shouldn't be able to either" rambled Brie, seeing her siblings should be punished too, although her song would quickly change if the circumstances should be the other way around.

"They haven't broken house rules or had been called into the headmistress's office because of their behavior" retorted Cathy, as she looked to one of her daughters with disappointment. Only then did it hit Brie, the antics she believed she could get away with, weren't as secret as she believed? Just as it was dawning on her, the new headmistress wasn't going to take the cruelty she so often dished out to other students. "Yes, I know about that. And I've been in touch with your friends' parents as well. None of you are hosting the party, in fact, the rest of your friends are grounded from today. Serenity is the only one not to be punished, although if her attitude continues she will be" added the mother of three, showing it wasn't just Brie who got the punishment, but the others in her social group as well. With the exception of Serenity who was given the benefit of the doubt.

Elsewhere, the group of boys invited to the Pool Party were on their way to Carmella's family home, with the exception of Corey who was likely already there. Seth, Dean, and Punk all carried a drawstring bag with their swimming trucks in and a towel of their own. Whereas Finn, Aleister, and Miz all carried their things in a normal rucksack. Drew had a cross-body bag with his things in it and a few treats for the group to share. Whereas Roman had opted for a carrier bag, at least so he didn't have to worry about ruining anything with the wet trucks at the end of the day of fun.

When the group arrived, they were greeted by Carmella's father, who lead them to the back as well as informing them of the location of several things, such as the downstairs bathroom and kitchen in case they needed anything. The group had been greeted with the sight of the girls, each clad in a bikini or one piece, some with a baggy t-shirt covering them for comfort. Some were at the poolside, whereas others were in the pool already. Laughing and joking. They'd arrived just in time to witness AJ go through with her playful threat and push an unsuspecting Corey into the pool.

"You boys just gonna stand there?" asked Carmella, a friendly smile on her lips. Her hair was done up in a messy bun, a rare occasion where she chose to be make-up-free. "Can either change in the indoor bathroom or convince Echo to come out of the outdoor one" added the beautiful blonde, as she pointed to the door of the outdoor bathroom, a smile on her lips. Aleister was the first to head over to the outdoor bathroom, gentle knocking on the door, knowing the teenager inside was likely self-conscious.

"Echo if you come out you can throw us guys in the pool" spoke Aleister in an attempt to coax Echo from her hiding place, as the others with the exception of Drew and Seth disappeared one by one into the indoor bathroom to change into their swim gear. "I brought the floaty you girls love so much" added the Dutch teen, recalling the pool floaty most of the girls had come to love. Shaped like a sprinkled-covered doughnut.

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