Halloween Havoc

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"Dominik, I love you right now" commented Brie as she walked past the Mysterio. He'd joined in with AJ's idea of dressing up as characters from opposite genders, while also fulfilling Maryse's idea of someone dressing as Barbie for the day. Brie was dressed as Thor from the Marvel cinematic universe, whereas Nikki decided to match with Brie, by going as Loki. The pair had passed by several other students, seeing costumes of Disney Princesses, and a few Pixar and Star Wars characters as well. Rhea and Damien had done matching costumes, although they had a little fun with it, deciding against doing characters, but instead going for the simple salt and pepper shakers.

"Barbie would be so jealous of you right now, you look better than her in pink and heels" laughed Nikki, her amusement only grew when Doninik simply twirled, momentarily losing his balance. Damien had been quick enough to catch him before he toppled over. A comment escaped Dominik, as he asked how women walk in heels without breaking an ankle or falling over everything. Brie had simply responded with practice and experience.

At the normal indoor meeting point, Brie and Nikki met up with those already waiting there. Chuckling at some of the costume ideas, Aleister and Cross had done a reverse of the Doctor and one of his companions. Miz and Maryse had also done a couples costume, going as Morticia and Gomez Addams. True to her word, Echo had dressed as Aemond Targaryen, complete with the eye patch. Much like Summer had done with being Nick Fury for the day. Just for the hell of it, Roman had dressed as Black Widow, with Seth messing about and being Bellatrix Lestrange, complete with the wand. Becky had dressed as Mario, whereas Renee had chosen to be Bugs Bunny. The other costumes appeared to be random for the most part, although there were a few horror movie slashers among them. Including Finn being Ghostface, Drew dressing as Jason Voorhees, and Dean as Michael Myers.

Just as the laughter was ringing out, Serenity made herself known walking down the art corridor as if she owned the school, fittingly she was dressed as the Evil Queen from Snow White. Although no one voiced their opinion, for the most part, she was ignored, even when she stood close by and huffed in an effort to gain attention. She hated how things had changed, but more than that, she despised how things hadn't gone in her favor. She wanted to be the Queen Bee of the school, to have the popular girl life. But instead of getting the power she desired, she had somehow fallen even further down the ranks. The Cheerleaders had slowly begun to fall apart, splitting into two groups, those who had stuck by Daniel in his time of need and those who had heartlessly abandoned him.

"So when's the first round of the tournament?" asked Serenity, she had listened to the gossip going around the school, slowly what happened at Homecoming had become old news and forgotten, and now the talk was the sports teams and their individual tournaments. Stephanie, the headmistress had been making arrangements. This year coach Booker T would be sent with the swim teams, whereas Lita would be going with the volleyball and basketball teams. Hunter, on the other hand, would be supervising the wrestling team, as they traveled across the country. Pretty much all the preparations had been made, to the point all those apart of the teams had each been called to the new sports hall, to work on something, although no one knew exactly what that was.

"Next week" kindly replied Miz, as he moved some of the dark strands of his black wig from his face, blowing at it in an attempt to remove the stringy hair. "It will be the first round for all the teams, so the school is going to be a lot quieter" he laughed, trying to imagine the halls of the school vacant of fun and laughter, or at least the younger years trying to fill in for the missing senior students. "What are you, lot on the wrestling team up to anyway?" asked Miz, curious why Hunter kept calling for the members of the wrestling team. Daniel and Cena had since been removed, being replaced with Aleister and Finn, with Brie being added to the team last minute when changes had been made by those who arranged the tournament, whereas Rhea had replaced Sasha upon the Boss breaking her ankle in the days leading up to the Halloween festive.

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