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Booker T soon lead the senior year boys over to the new sports hall, instructing them to warm up on the way over. If only to ensure the joint lesson could commence the moment all of them were over. Upon reaching the new building around the back of the school, Lita stood near the glass doors, clad in an old team extreme t-shirt and joggers, her dark red hair tied back in a messy ponytail. A thin layer of sweat coating her, from where she had done the warm up with the impatient senior year girls sat in the hall waiting for the lesson to truly begin. Most were talking among themselves, trying to work out what the lesson would be, would it be the normal volleyball practice with a warm up game, or the more aggressive dodge-ball with the boys rules implemented. Either way the conversations began to die down the moment the boys began to file into the large newly built hall, joining the girls on the bleachers. The sight of the girls in either shorts, joggers, t-shirts or sports bra's hitting them quickly, even more so when some of them became self-conscious and wanted nothing more than to either cover up or for the boys to look away.

"Sir this isn't a sports hall, its a mini area" commented Xavier as he walked passed to the two sports teachers. Kofi and Big E not speaking a word as they all but marveled at the large building. Lita chuckling at the comment, more for it mimicking Shayna's comment upon the girls also entering the building. Each of the boys found somewhere to sit on the bleachers, Punk and Dean all but racing each other, to see whom could get to their girlfriends position first. Corey carefully making his way up the bleachers, shortly followed by Roman and Seth, Drew just behind them where as Aleister and Finn seemingly using their normal magic tricks to just appear, both of them quiet as normal. Each of them taking notice of the new girl sat with Brie's group, she seemed confident, even flirting with a few of the boys whom had been curious enough to introduce themselves.

"Alright, lets get started" called Lita, making sure she was loud enough to get the attention of those at the top of the bleachers as well. Ensure all the conversations of the latest celebrity gossip and rumors come to an end. "First of all, lets all welcome Serenity Irons, she's transferred from Sacred Heart Academy" started the well versed teacher, gesturing for Serenity to stand, so those whom had yet to notice her, knew whom she was. Once she'd done so Lita returned to things a little more important, i.e. how the class would work now they would have joint classes rather than separate sports routines. "Until the timetable is mended, you lot will be sharing all sports classes and activities, that means swim, outdoor and all sports. Today we'll be kicking off with some icebreakers. A few rounds of dodge-ball" announced Lita, hearing some of the girls cheer at the chance to play dodge-ball while some of the boys seemed hesitant about the girls being included.

"The rules are as follows" started Booker, quickly noticing those whom were apart of Brie and Daniel's group, including Serenity were deep into their own conversations, too busy to listen to what he was saying. "That means you lot at the front as well. I'll only be explaining the changed rules once" added the boys sports teacher, just like always, refusing to stand by and allow any student to think they were in control or slack off. "For the first few games we'll be playing with foam balls, first round will be guys vs girls. After that two captains will be chosen at random. Boys no targeting the girls breasts or butts. Girls no targeting the boys junk. Once you've been eliminated return to the bleachers until the game is over. Right everyone on the court" explained Booker, although missing the consequences to occur if the boys did purposely target the girls and vise versa. Both Booker and Lita watched as each moved from the bleachers, the boys taking the left side of the court while the girls scattered across the right side, the thick black line through the center of the court marking out where they couldn't cross.

It didn't take long for the girls to begin to huddle together at Rhea's instruction, quickly realizing they needed a game plan if they stood a chance at winning or at least putting up a fight. It wasn't too much longer before the girls moved to specific spots on their side of the court, Serenity being the last one to do so, as it become clear she hadn't been paying any attention, instead playing with her hair. Lita soon threw six foam balls to each side, as Booker go ready with the whistle, waiting for the balls to be picked up by each side. Both coaches taking notice when Shayna picked two balls, throwing one to AJ and another Echo, before resuming her guard position with a third ball. The boys on the other hand had started with their normal strategy, their heavy hitter in Braun, Drew, Kevin, Roman, Luke Gallows and Luke Harper at the front with the other spread out behind them.

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