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Sunday soon rolled around for the group of mix-and-match teenagers. The late hours of the morning saw those who had stayed at Carmella's make their way back to their own homes, ready to spend time with their own family before returning to school the following day. An ire of mystery surrounded the members of the mix-and-match group, each questioning how Monday morning would go. If it would be a success and their makeshift group accepted? Or if the social group caused havoc and lead to far more drama? Maryse had been optimistic about the social group, stating it would have a positive effect on those who needed the confidence boost. Most of them were well aware it wouldn't take the couple known as Beauty and the Goat long to set their minds on destroying the group if they saw them as a threat to their popularity.

As planned, Nikki returned home that afternoon, her little brother JJ, being the first to greet her, shortly followed by their mother. Brie in the background only staring daggers at her slightly older identical twin. No doubt Brie was still angered over being grounded for the past few days. Unable to do what she wanted that weekend until she thoroughly thought about what had led to the punishment. At the same time Brie had spent time wondering what her twin had been doing, Cathy, their mother had only said she was spending time with friends. Although the younger Bella Twin had generally questioned what friends. To Brie's knowledge, Nikki had only been taken in by the weirdos and freaks because they pitted her. Although Aleister and Finn, the pair to so often act like creepy bodyguards, didn't seem like the most fun to spend the weekend with. Almost instantly Brie had imagined some sort of cult rather than something she would personally class as fun.

"What were you really doing?" questioned Brie, driving straight into interrogating her older twin, the moment she barged into Nikki's room, as normal not bothering to knock and ignoring any boundaries Nikki had firmly put in place. Nikki had been lying on her stomach, in the middle of her queen bed, typing away at her laptop, no doubt trying to finish a school project. Music playing from the speakers, although Brie was quick to notice it wasn't pop music or anything she'd prefer to listen to. Instead, it was some kind of rock music, maybe even metal. The younger Bela twin had wasted little time in storming over to where Nikki was, forcing the laptop shut, with little regard if she broke it or not. Just as she had little care if she hurt her twin. "I asked you a question. So why not put your big girl panties on and answer it" commented Brie, with attitude lacing her voice. To her surprise, Nikki merely rolled her eyes and shuffled from the bed, walking from her room with Brie trailing behind her.

"With friends. You saw us at the cinema Friday night. There was a slumber party that night then we hung out around the pool the following day. The guys joined us for the second-night slumber party" casually voiced Nikki, purposely neglecting to say who had hosted the pool party and two-night sleepover. Her attention was drawn to her phone, the moment she heard the notification sound go off. A small smile coming to her lips to see both Miz and Maryse had followed her on social media, and tagged her in several photos taken over the previous few days. "Don't tell me you're jealous because you got your ass grounded again" commented Nikki, when she reached the bottom of the stairs. The older of the Bella twins soon turned towards the kitchen, opting to help her little brother set the table and give the family dog some much-needed fuss.

"Mum can I go out after school tomorrow?" asked Brie, in her sweetest voice, trying her best to act innocent in order to get what she wanted, maybe even get her punishment cut short. "It's Kaitlyn's birthday, and she really wants me to go to her little party at the mall" added the teenager, using one of her go-to excuses, or at least one that had never failed to work in the past. Brie watched as her mum made preparations for dinner, just like always there was a meat eater option and a separate vegetarian one. An expression of annoyance painted itself on Cathy's features, more to hear her youngest daughter attempt to get out of the well-deserved punishment. The moment she turned her attention to Brie, her annoyance only grew to see the teenager in question, push JJ out of her way, only so she could stand in Nikki's path, another attempt to make something Nikki was doing harder than it needed to be.

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