Dose of Reality

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The following school day had been filled with whispered rumors. Serenity was proud she was at the center of it; instead of being ashamed of her actions or even showing an ounce of regret for the people she hurt on route to her goal, she walked around the schoolyard that morning with a proud bounce to her step and a sway to her hips. A smile painted on her lips at finally being successful at something. Eva and Kaitlyn followed her as if they were loyal handmaids to their mistress. Both seemed oblivious to the truth or the investigation and consequences looming in the shadows.

"What's going on?" asked Kaitlyn upon noticing Vicky leading the majority of the friend group away. Oddly, not one of them protested. Instead, they followed along while immersed in conversation, as if they were aware they weren't in trouble or knew wherever they were going would somehow benefit them. Eva soon turned her attention to the larger group being led away by Vicky, as did Serenity mere moments later. Not surprisingly, the scheming brunette had disgust written across her features, even more at the thought of losing some of her loyal dogs. After all, she had planned for them to be a part of her bigger picture. With Vicky's intervention, it would be much harder to drag them into the boiling mess of drama she was personally creating.

"Roman," called Serenity upon seeing the taller Samoan walking past. Although neglecting to notice, he had earbuds in, bobbing away to the music playing. "Roman," she called again, this time attempting to run in her heeled sandals to catch up with him. When she did, she expected to see happiness and delight. Instead, she was met with unnerving coldness, almost hatred shining in his pale eyes. "Where are you going? What are you doing? We're supposed to be a team now," softly spoke Serenity as a hand instinctively found her stomach; a gentle grin appeared on her lips mere moments later as her eyes shone with a light that hadn't previously been there.

"To be with my friends, where I belong," coldly responded Roman, almost as if he was blaming her for everything he considered to have gone wrong since the senior year had begun. After all, everything had gone so well until she glided into his life. "We're not a team, we never were, and I'm sure as hell not that father of that baby. I feel sorry for the bastard that is," commented the Samoan, looking around in time to see Dean, Seth, and Renee making their way up the path leading to the main entrance of the school. Renee held her phone out, suggesting there was an ongoing phone call with someone else or perhaps the remaining members of their found family.

"On the contrary, Roman, you and these three ladies are coming with me," spoke Shane, almost repeating his actions from the day before, although this time, he wouldn't be questioning anyone; instead, he would simply be delivering the four to the room near Stephanie's office. He'd already collared Daniel, Bobby, and Jinder, but neither of the three put up an argument, almost as if they realized why and accepted it would be the new normal for a little while or until everything was dealt with.

"Where are the others going?" asked Eva, a tone similar to jealousy flooding her voice, a sprinkle of fear too. After all, Vicky had led the rest of her social group toward one of the side entrances, whereas Shane was leading the four of them through the reception again, just like he'd done the day before. The bottle redhead had believed it was just a preference but soon began to realize otherwise upon turning right at the top of the metal carpeted stairs toward the headmistress's office and the staff room.

"The rest of your social group will be elsewhere, as will the miss-matched lot," answered Shane, although he'd admit he was unsure if the Darklings would be separated from the larger group or if they'd be allowed to join the rest. Instantly, Shane recognized the curiosity shining in Roman's eyes; he was a part of the mismatched group; why wasn't he with them? It was clear the Samoan wanted to voice the question but didn't know how to word it without making it seem like he was trying to get out of whatever he was chin-deep in now.

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