Bella Siblings

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Brie waited outside the glossy black school gates with her twin, scoffing repeatedly at how Nikki ignored her attempts to poke fun and continue her bullying ways. Instead, the former cheerleader gave her full attention to her phone, no doubt adding to the group chat with her friends. Both sisters' attention diverted to JJ approaching, upon hearing him laugh and joke with his own friends. Upon joining his sisters, he stood closest to Nikki, acting as if she was the parental figure until their mother arrived to pick them up. Brie's scoffing started up again the moment, Finn appeared with the intention of placing a kiss on Nikki's cheek, Drew followed shortly after to kiss the opposite one, both older teenagers ruffling JJ's hair or giving him a high five.

"Did you fix your bag?" questioned JJ, a wide smile on his lips over the interaction he'd had with Drew and Finn. Thrilled both senior-year boys had taken notice of him, something Brie's friends barely did, most of the time the group of Jocks and Cheerleaders ignored him unless they had a rude comment to share or wanted to make fun of someone. Brie merely rolled her eyes, frustrated the news of the incident had spread to the freshman year, thrust confirming it was common knowledge around the school. The cheerleader soon grabbed hold of the broken bag strap with a rough grip before yanking it upwards, revealing the knot and tape holding it together.

Cathy soon arrived in her red Toyota, beeping the horn to gain the attention of her three teenagers. Nikki soon directed JJ to the front passenger seat, taking the back seat behind him, if only to prevent Brie from spending the short ride home kicking the back of the seat or pushing it forward. Brie reluctantly got in behind her mother, waving to a few of her friends, including Serenity. The group of mean girls, already making plans for the weekend. Although the younger Bella twin was well aware if she wanted the privilege of spending the weekend with friends, then she had to earn it via chores and other things asked of her.

"Brie" called Cathy, as she glanced at her younger daughter through the rearview mirror, catching on to Brie's attempt to fool the outside world into believing she was a well-behaved child. "Can you keep an eye on JJ tonight? I have to work, and Nikki as you know is staying over at a friend's house" asked the mother of three, wondering if her youngest daughter would take on the role Nikki was so often dealt. Wonder if Brie could show she was responsible enough to take on the easy challenge. Plus it would come with its own rewards for the younger of the twins, as it does for Nikki when she takes on the responsibility.

"Just hire a stupid babysitter, or drop him off at the neighbor's house" growled Brie, turning her attention to her nails, noticing some of them had lost their perfection, some were chipped and others had been broken. No doubt from trying to free herself earlier or maybe from the wrestling part of sports class. Brie had her own plans for the night, barricading herself in her room and talking to her friends via a video chat. Going over plans with her group of girls, asking Nattie and Serenity about Homecoming Committee, and planning for the Prom at the end of the school year. Plus Serenity had mentioned she wanted help with gaining Roman's attention, as she intended on him being her date for homecoming and the other events planned throughout the school year.

"I'll look after JJ" offered Nikki, her voice soft and gentle, the stark contrast to Brie's mere seconds earlier. "Echo extended the invitation for him. Plus I'm sure her brothers would love the company" added the levelheaded and kinder of the twins, a small smile gracing her lips upon noticing JJ getting excited. She knew her little brother had become friends with Echo's three younger brothers, and often commented Hunter seemed cool despite his status as one of the school's bad boys. Nikki's small smile soon grew upon recalling all the times her friend group interacted with JJ in some form or another, even if it was as simple as asking how he was doing. A few times Cross had included him in her playful games of tag, even challenging him to a thumb war. Echo's twin was no different, although he was quiet and often stuck to the shadows, he watched over JJ and his own younger brothers from a distance, always being there to help them when they needed it.

"I'm good with that. Your friends are cool but crazy at the same time" excitedly replied JJ, hearing Nikki's chuckle from behind him, over his obvious refusal to use the term down to earth. Even more so when it wasn't something that described the group of miss-matched teens. "Can I stay over there too?" asked the freshman-year student, wondering if he too could stay the night at the Black Residence, as Nikki had plans too. Cathy soon voiced she'd phone Isabelle and confirm it was okay, even more so when the matriarch of the Black Family already had plans for a full house of teenagers that night. "I like your friends, Nikki, they're fun to be around and don't seem to care for the status quo. They're not stuck up like Brie's friends" commented JJ, feeling as Brie reached over to shove his seat, being prevented from doing anything else by the seatbelt restraining her from reaching him.

"Brie, you can have your friends over, but they have to be gone by 10 and keep them out of Nikki and JJ's rooms" spoke Cathy, allowing her younger daughter to have her friends over, but putting some conditions on it. "Keep the noise to a minimum. If either of the three are ignored, you'll either be going to the neighbors or your grandparents" warned the mother of three, suspecting Brie would intentionally ignore one of the conditions, specifically the one regarding her siblings' rooms. At the same time, Cathy knew she didn't have to elaborate any further on what the consequences would be, as Brie was no doubt already aware she was being allowed this freedom without earning it.

"Whatever as long as I don't have to deal with these two losers I'm good" replied Brie with her normal attitude and disdain for her siblings. She soon sent a wicked smirk Nikki and JJ's way, something that didn't go unnoticed by Cathy, who quickly scolded her for both her attitude and her ongoing cruelty. "They'll be out by ten and the music will be kept down so the neighbors don't complain. I'll also do my best to keep everyone out of Nikki and JJ's rooms" sweetly added the cheerleader as if trying to act innocent, even when she knew she and some of the girls would rifle through Nikki's wardrobe and make comments about her fashion choices, maybe even take what they liked from it.

"What time are we supposed to go to Echo's?" asked JJ, as if he'd already been giving the confirmation he could spend the night there. Brie tuned out the conversation, instead sending a message to Daniel and their friends, informing them of the get-together that night, emphasizing neither of her siblings would be there. She too jumping the gun on whether or not JJ could stay the night at the Black Residents. Cathy soon glanced at her son, not being able to help the motherly smile to appear on her lips, just seeing him excited about what could be. It was clear he'd built up a friendship with the Black Triplets.

"Will be after dinner. Both Echo and Seth are on Homecoming Committee duty" commented Nikki, curious about what was going on with that, as she was sure most of the student body was. Never once had there been a questionnaire sent out, asking for opinions and giving potential options for the theme. It had been the same old underwater theme for as long as she could remember. "Maybe we'll get the inside scoop about what's going on with that" joked the older of the Bella twins, recalling neither Echo nor Seth seemed horrified by the idea of being on the committee this time, instead Seth had grinned about it and Echo had returned with the silver committee leader badge pinned to her black hoodie. That alone gave much hope the constantly bitchy and often selfish popular students both male and female wouldn't be getting their way and the disaster of the year prior wouldn't repeat itself.

"It's going to end up like every other year" proudly voiced Brie, her smugness returning as she recalled the conversation she had with Nattie and Serenity throughout the course of the first Committee gathering. How both girls were determined, the dance would stick to the years-old tradition, everyone knew and loved. At the same time the younger Bella twin, ignored there was a reason she and most of her friends had been banned from the committee, it was more than Stephanie keeping to her father's promise, considering the same group of students had been banned from being part of any event committees that was meant for more than their own social group.

"I doubt anything can be as bad as last year's dance" commented JJ in response, he could recall several of the older students talking about it, how some spoke of it like it was a horror story not meant to be repeated. At the same time, the freshman-year student could recall how Nikki had opted to attend Carmella's party instead of the dance, whereas Brie had been excited about the annual underwater-themed dance, saying how it was going to be lots of fun and the best homecoming yet. Only for her to return home hours earlier than expected, due to the headmaster ending it early. Brie once again growled in response, still refusing to admit to her part in the now disastrous event. She soon rolled her dark eyes, turning her attention to the houses passing by and thinking about the latest problem with the mismatched group her twin was happily a part of. 

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