Vicious Plans

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Homecoming was fast approaching, the dance would be taking place at the end of the week. Nearly the entire student body was talking about it, some with excitement about the game scheduled the night before and others about the dance itself, how they looked forward to having fun with friends, and the cheesy music. To make memories together. The only ones not excited about the popular dance were the group of jocks and cheerleaders to have been personally banned from attending by the headmistress. Serenity had spent weeks complaining about it, making her disappointment known to everyone who cared to listen, she'd thrown tantrums too. Her mother had phoned up to protest against the decision, refusing to believe her little angel could have done anything to deserve such a punishment, while also proving the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Those part of the homecoming committee had been featured in the school's newsletter. Stephanie ensured the group of teenagers got the recognition they deserved while helping to build excitement for the dance. Even mentioning the teachers would be doing a rehearsed group dance, something that wasn't to be missed and likely a one-time event. Those part of the football team had also been featured in the newsletter, promising to do their best to achieve victory and set the path of success for the wrestling team.

Brie and her group of girls had eventually linked back up with the jocks. No one expected the once popular head cheerleader to stay mad at her boo for long. All their arguments and subsequent silent treatment never seemed to last more than a day. The combined group as a whole however was noticeably smaller, neither Austin nor Elias could be found within their ranks. Instead, Elias had asked for permission to create a break time club, teaching younger students to play the guitar and other musical instruments. Whereas Austin now volunteered in the games clubs and tutored those who struggled with school work. Both of them had become determined to correct their past mistakes. Austin showed his will to change by sincerely apologizing to Echo for the cruel joke he'd played a part in the previous year and forewarning Carmella about the intention their former friends had to humiliate her.

"How's everything going with the individual tasks?" asked Daniel upon entering the vacant room, the once popular students often occupied since being banned from Homecoming. Neither of them could bare showing their faces now, especially when rumors ran rampant about their banning. The revenge vendetta had been the only thing to truly keep the group together, humiliating poor Carmella was what motivated them now and the dreams of succeeding in their cruelty.

The loud-mouthed teen could remember telling Brie of the idea via messages, she'd ignored him before that, rejected his calls, and went the opposite way when she saw him in the halls. Their relationship had been a risk. The idea of humiliating Carmella had saved their relationship and the entire friendship of their group. Brie at first wasn't interested, but soon come around to the idea, especially when she thought about the loss of popularity and her older twin gaining the spotlight. How Carmella had played a vital role in the Mix-n-match group seeing the light of day and several couples being brought together.

"Everything planned, just need to put in motion" answered Brie with enthusiasm, as she imagined everything taking place. Carmella being humiliated so much that she refused to show her face around the school, the rival group falling apart and the spotlight being brought back to where it should be. She thought about going on to get the ultimate revenge on Nikki too, watching as her friendships were torn apart and her budding relationship with Drew fading into nothing.

"Us girls have been secretly campaigning for Carmella to be Homecoming Queen, and sabotaging any rivals for the prestigious position" voiced Serenity with viciousness flooding her otherwise sweet voice. Slowly over the weeks, her ditzy persona had melted away, revealing her true vindictive and vicious personality beneath. When she wasn't hiding from the student body, she was tormenting younger students. Countless times she'd brought younger girls to tears with no remorse. She bullied some without care and victimized others for sheer entertainment.

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