Leave The Past Behind

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Something seemed off when the break rolled around. The mix-and-match family had opted to stroll the school grounds and enjoy the cold, refreshing air before returning to their tasks set by Stephanie. As most seniors had, they'd been given a choice. They could help prepare for the coming days, an open day for potential students, and a parent-conference day following that, or they could continue their studies after all the big exams were only weeks away, and those apart of the sports teams were also expected to continue their practices.

"There you two are," called AJ upon spotting Seth and Echo walking around the corner of the school's large canteen, which was buzzy with life and filled with loud conversations. At the same time, Serenity rounded the corner from the nearby reception, Roman all but chasing her as she ignored him, instead quickening her pace to get away from him faster. Serenity stopped momentarily upon almost crashing into the Bellas. However, no twisted smile appeared this time; her usually judgemental eyes didn't light up with spite and malice either. Instead, her mood remained down, almost hateful to the former sports star following her.

"Oh, erm ... I ... I want to apologize for what I did to all of you," started Serenity, shifting her weight from one foot to the other to control her growing anxiety. Her day had been anything but ordinary; her entire world had come crashing down in minutes. "Especially to Becky, Finn, Summer, Echo, and Seth, in particular, were hurt most by blind stupidity," admitted the brunette, sighing heavily. She'd promised she would be better than before. Instead, she had become even worse, and now she faced a decision regarding her future.

"Why?" asked Summer, her voice gentle despite being in the presence of two people she hated with all her might. "Why did you do what you did?" she elaborated. All she ever wanted was answers if only to move on from the past and hopefully heal from what had happened. So she could finally move on from her heartbreak for good and become the bubbly person she'd been before all the drama and pain.

"He ... he ... he told me you were a crazy ex, that the Darklings were your allies, and the rest of you would never accept our relationship ... I'm ... I'm so so so sorry for what I did to all of you. Because of my stupidity, all of you were hurt; if I had realized before, none of this would have happened," answered Serenity, for once being honest, both with the people before her and herself. If she had focused on her goals instead of being queen b and the epic high school romance, none of the pain, suffering, and heartbreak would have happened; the student body wouldn't have been faced with losing the inspiring group before her either.

"She's lying," quickly interrupted Roman upon finally catching up with Serenity. He heard her stumbled words as he got closer. "She's being a spiteful bitch because she can't have it her way," he added with haste, trying his best to save face when it came to his friends, even if he already knew it was too late when it came to Summer and likely some of the others too.

"You're not to blame for the break-ups, Serenity," began Seth, his voice even despite the harsh feelings cursing him. "He is, as was our actions," added the teenager known by many nicknames. "We were all lead on, pone in his game, we were all too blinded by love to see it, to see him for the bastard he truly is," he added, finally allowing all the feelings he'd buried to come to the surface, finally stepping past the denial to see the truth Dean had long since accepted. "Whatever game you're playing, Roman, I'm no longer interested in being a part of it. You wanna be king, fine, but you can do so without hurting the rest of us; none deserved to be tormented like that."

"She's lying to you," replied Roman, in a voice similar to that of complaining. Of all the things he'd expected to happen, this was the last thing, so close to achieving his unspoken goal. "Just like the pregnancy, it's just for attention."

"ATTENTION!" yelled Serenity, reaching into her tiny, designer handbag for the pregnancy test she'd taken earlier that morning, the test that finally gave her the wake-up call she needed and opened her eyes to the truth she'd previously been oblivious to. "YOU THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT? YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE SLEPT WITH YOU FOR ATTENTION. I LOVED YOU, YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD," she continued to yell, throwing the positive pregnancy test at him with as much malice as she could muster. Anger was written across her features. "I" M A LOT OF THINGS; A LIAR ISN" T ONE OF THEM, UNLIKE YOU. CONGRATS, ROMAN, YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DAD."

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