Sun Shimmer

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"This is getting ridiculous," stated Corey, re-reading over the text messages Roman had sent to the group chat. Most of them consisted of the Samoan teen complaining about his current predicament, being stuck in a room with his secret girlfriend—the suspected baby momma- and her partner in crime and their combined lackeys. However, after not receiving the sympathy he hoped for, Roman turned a little nasty, and his attention locked on Summer again. Instead of his normal friendly tone and playful manner, he'd sent them a harsh thread of messages, the last of which was an ultimatum. The group had to choose him or Summer.

"I don't know," replied Finn, re-reading over the tirade of messages and the poorly worded ultimatum. It was as if the Samoan was unaware of the trouble he was in and that he was practically digging his own grave at this point. "It's a pretty easy decision for me," he added; he'd choose Summer in a heartbeat and wouldn't shy away from admitting it.

"Forget the dumb ultimatum," Summer called from the teacher's desk. She smiled small as she looked around the room. This was the first time in a while the Darklings had joined them outside of wrestling and the NXT Hall. "Where did Seth and Echo go?" asked the leggy blonde, noticing the pair had disappeared at some point. It appeared the others hadn't noticed them leave either, especially if their reaction of looking around the room was anything to go by.

Drew could only let out an amused chuckle as he stepped closer to Nikki and Brie. The mix of confusion and curiosity washing over the others seemed to tickle him to no end. Perhaps it was the idea that both had vanished without a word or the thought that one of the Darklings could pass their ability to teleport to another, even if temporarily.

"While we're on the relationship topic," called AJ. Her dark eyes locked on Finn while Maryse seemed to find Becky. It was as if the two girls had the same thoughts and figured now was the perfect time to enact their plan. At the same time, Punk's dark eyes seemed to find Damian. Rhea quickly caught on, if her cheeky grin was anything to go by.

"Aleister, I really hate you right now," called Finn upon realizing why AJ had locked her attention on him.

"I seem to recall Rhea adding the Sun Shimmer and A.T. to the conversation," declared the Dutch teen, who had no regrets about throwing Rhea into the middle of it or sharing the attention with her.

"Sun Shimmer?" Renee voiced, only for Dean to whisper the answer to the follow-up question she'd been about to word: Who is Sun Shimmer? The moment his whispered words reached her, a sweet smile appeared across her lips, and her eyes lit up; a soft aw threatened to fall through her painted lips, too, as she found it adorable. However, she wouldn't word the comment yet.

"A.T?" AJ asked, hearing Rhea chuckle again, suggesting the initials were part of an inside joke shared between the Darklings.

"Ahsoka Tano," called Damian in reply, at least ending that mystery before it got too out of hand. "We all know our Prince is a Star Wars nerd. Ahsoka is one of his favorite characters," he explained, putting an end to the mystery Aleister had started the day prior and allowing Finn some peace of mind, at least until the questions regarding Sun Shimmer appeared.

"Excuse the bluntness, but why are you two looking at Damian and me like that?" Becky asked, noticing Maryse's attention hadn't turned away from her, as Punk's was still locked on to Damian. "Don't tell me you're still gonna try to lock you all in a room plan?" she added as a feeling of uncertainty washed over her.

"I've got to ask, but what's Damian got to do with all of it?" Drew asked, drawing attention to himself while also wording the question the Archer of Infamy had likely been trying to answer. Nikki and Brie glanced at each other as if in a wordless conversation while the others tried to answer the question or at least nominate who should answer it.

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