Can Be ...

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"Are you okay?" asked Renee with concern, her dark eyes focused on Seth who had slowed down and fallen to the back of the group. Becky was also nervous but had quickened her pace rather than slowed down. Determined to get to her destination, before the jitters and self-doubt got the better of her. AJ had caught up to ask her the same question Renee had, as the majority of the mix-and-match group headed to the NXT sports hall, with the hope of reuniting the group once more and ending whatever power trip Serenity was on.

"Yeah" replied Seth, the overwhelming feelings he tried to suppress flooding through his dark eyes. "It's just ... this would be the first time I've really gotten the chance to see Echo since everything happened. We haven't spoken about anything, I thought if I gave her space she'd come back in her own time" admitted the brunette, as he remembered how quickly everything had fallen apart. Echo had been by his side one day, by the next she was gone. Although he questioned who she avoided more, him or Becky, like with Finn both had helped break her heart.

"Maybe she's like Finn" spoke Maryse, appearing to Seth's right, her usual friendly smile in place as she linked arms with the taller teenager. Renee did the same on his left, as both girls began to lead him towards the hall after he'd come to a stop. "Maybe she's afraid, or maybe she doesn't know how to come back. Fear can be a powerful thing, especially after someone's been hurt" added the beautiful blonde, as she gestured towards Roman and Summer. How the leggy blonde purposely kept distance between herself and the Samoan teen, making it clear she wasn't ready to forgive him, he'd hurt her and was yet to truly apologize for it or give her an explanation as to why.

"I miss her" admitted the brunette, at least thankful Echo hadn't completely pulled away. She still engages in video calls and group chats. She still went to group outings and answered messages he sent her. The only thing to truly change was how she acted around both Becky and himself. Understandably she avoided them, or if she did interact with them, she wasn't as warm and bubbly as before. Instead, she was cold and kept the interaction as short as possible without being rude. When in school, she was only seen in shared classes and wrestling training, the rest of the time it was as if she disappeared completely.

"I miss the way she just randomly appears, her laughter and smile. I miss the little things others don't see, like the way her eyes shimmer when she's up to something, or the way she's never been afraid to be herself" he listed, as he thought about all the things Echo brought to his day. The way her laughter could instantly lighten his mood or even how she appeared out of nowhere brought a sense of mystery to an otherwise ordinary school day.

"Do me a favor and tell her that" called Nikki, the eldest of the Bella twins, linking arms with Brie before skipping off in the same way AJ and Echo used to, fearless in the face of judgmental and opinionated students. Brie's laughter soon rang out, a smile to match appearing as the feeling of being free overtook her. The old Brie would have judged those brave enough to be different and let their true personality shine, but that wasn't who she was anymore, now she was aiming to be like those brave few.

"We should bring back the Lame Game" commented Brie, noticing Dominik walking just ahead. He didn't seem to notice them coming, instead bobbing his head in time to the beat of the music he was listening to. At the same time, he tapped away at his phone, no doubt letting Rhea know he was close by if only so one of them could open the door. Brie's assumption of the Mysterio not noticing them was soon proven wrong when he offered a simple wave.

"Darklings keep it going. At this point, Aleister and Cross are in a mini tournament to see who's better at it" called Dominik, turning around in time to crash into the glass wall of the NXT hall entrance. Damian the other side tried to suppress the wave of laughter, as he opened the door, waving for the larger group to follow. Making it clear the message Roman had sent as a heads-up had been received. "Come on man, you really gonna make me jump" commented Dominik, hoping by voicing his thought Damian would lower his hand for the routine high five. Instead, Damian confirmed the younger Mysterio would have to jump with a simple nod, chuckling when the younger teen did so to reach.

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