All Star Academy

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The yellow and orange halls of All Star Academy had never inspired, any sort of hope for fun. The busy halls full of students and teachers attempting to get to their destination, without dropping something or tripping and falling over, and hopefully without any embarrassing incidences. AJ Lee walked down the halls, among the sea of humanity, invisible as normal. The laughter of her former best friend almost haunting her, as she tried her best to ignore it and push back the memories of what happened almost two years prior. The petite brunette looking up to the skylights, seeing the bright sunshine, coating the high ceilings in its glow, the same glow that was drowned out by the light grey classroom doors, silver lockers and never end flow of students and teachers. The corridor seeming even more darker than normal, due to the lights being turned off, or too dim to light anything up.

"Hey Pumpkin" came the calm voice, thick with an English ascent, the midnight haired teen it belonged to appearing next to AJ, as if she'd materialized out of thin air, leaning against her own polished locker. No doubt waiting until the last possible second to put her things in the tin can, before heading down to the locker rooms for sports class. "You seemed so lost in thought, you didn't see Corey all but face plant the wall" spoke the taller teen, a smile on her lips as she did her usual routine of ignoring the passing teenagers, instead her focus on the smaller teen, she could confidently call her best friend. AJ soon grinned, the thought of Corey crashing into an unsuspecting wall again, likely distracted by Carmella as usual.

"Nothing to worry about Crumpet. Although someone should check if the wall is okay" responded AJ, quickly allowing the comment to pop to mind to escape from her lips. Echo next to her agreeing before laughing slightly. The only laughter louder than Echo's being that of Kaitlyn's, AJ's former best friend, the laughter sounded louder than before. Both teenagers turned to see the once kind and gentle hybrid teen, not to far down the hall, sat on the floor with the other teenage girls whom believed themselves better than the rest. AJ could only remember the old Kaitlyn, the kind and sweet girl whom had never been afraid of offer help to anyone and didn't care what people, least of all Brie and her group of girls thought of her. Now everything was different, gone was the Kaitlyn, AJ had once called best friend. Everything that made her original and unique, erased by the latest fashion, full face of make up and of cause the bitchy attitude. "We've got double sports with Lita, right?" asked the smaller teen, as she turned her attention back to Echo, whom only nodded with dread, knowing this time would be different as the boys would be joining them, thrust volleyball would be all that more embarrassing. Still a shadow of a bruise could been seen on the side of Echo's head, from where the ball had hit her the week prior.

"I think the guys are with us this time. Something to do with the timetables been upside down from all the changes" utter Echo, remembering Stephanie McMahon, the new headmistress had mentioned something about it, in the start of term assembly, Lita too had reminded them last Friday as they all left for the weekend. Plus Finn and Aleister had been talking about it the day prior. As normal JBL's boring history class, was the place to catch up with friends and hear the latest gossip, or do anything that didn't involve learning after the first ten minutes of torture.

"You mean to say we all have to endure the torment of watching Daniel and Brie playing tonsil hockey for an hour and a half" commented AJ, recalling when she had previously dated Daniel, mistakenly believing he was the love of her life. Oh how times had changed. The petite brunette only sighed when Echo nodded in confirmation, although she soon remembered the boys joining the sports class, would also mean she would spend a little more time with her Punky Bear. Brie would no doubt be critiquing everyone there, comparing herself and Daniel to the couples, and making jabs at those whom were single. Not that anyone listened to the younger Bella twin. Most had tuned her , when she displayed she couldn't even show loyalty to her own twin. "Was that just me or did Seth Friggin Rollins, just check you out ... again" whispered AJ, noticing the senior year smart-ass once again checking Echo out, something he had made a habit out of doing, since returning to school the week prior. Everyone in the school knew whom Seth was, one of the star athletes, along with Roman and Dean, yet he'd ignored every attempt girls made to flirt, showing no sign of wanting to try the high school romance again, after the vicious break up with Lacy in their sophomore year. Echo just rolled her eyes, before grabbing her sports bag and linking arms with AJ, both opting to skip down the halls to the girls locker room, opposite drama class. Neither teen caring about the weird looks others sent in their direction, or the snide remarks made about them. Instead they just smiled and waved to those whom made comments.

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