Homecoming Committee

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"I'm sure you all know the deal with the committee by now" commented Michelle upon entering the computer room reserved for the Business Studies class. A soft but friendly smile graced her lips, as she looked around those selected for the Committee this year. Some had been hand-picked by Trish whereas others had been placed there by other staff members. The upbeat woman soon sighed with relief upon seeing her request of the cheerleaders and jocks to constantly draw attention to themselves, not there. Although a few of their associates were, such as Serenity and Natalya, as well as both Tyson and Jinder. The latter with the side of his head still bandaged up from where Cross had almost bit his ear off the first week back. Michelle soon got to setting out paper and pens in the middle of each table, ready for the tasks she had ready for the group of twelve teenagers to use when needed. "Let's hear some theme ideas" spoke the beautiful woman, her smile turning motherly, to see the mix of teenagers, seeming more comfortable, now the majority of those who tormented and took over everything weren't present.

"Anything but the underwater/ little mermaid theme the jocks and cheerleaders normally do" muttered Summer from one of the middle tables. She like so many others, found the theme to be boring and overused, to the point the past few years had reused old decorations instead of buying new ones. Not that anyone took notice, those who did attend were those closest to Brie and Daniel, as the dance was normally turned into a party about them, instead of promoting the school sports teams.

"What's wrong with the traditional theme?" questioned Serenity, speaking up with annoyance slipping through her voice. She all but glared at the leggy blonde from her place at the back of the room, all while ignoring Sami sniggering at her words, Shayna close by attempting to hold back her snide comments. "The swim team is the main one, shouldn't they be in the spotlight" casually added the brunette, suddenly finding herself nervous, how everyone in the room had fallen into silence.

"The theme is old, boring, overused, and brings back a lot of bad feelings for many students" voiced Emma from the same table as Summer. "It's better to do something new, something that's fun for everyone and doesn't suggest constant torment and exclusion by the oh-so-popular ones" suggested the bubbly teen, leaving off her thoughts about Daniel and Brie once again ruining the dance for others, even more so now. Brie was no longer the head cheerleader, whereas Daniel had been removed from both teams he'd been a part of. The two were bitter and wouldn't hesitate to take it out on everyone else around them.

"The wrestling team is the main one this year" declared Michelle, revealing what many had already suspected. This year the focus would be on the wrestling team, with the swim, volleyball, dodgeball, and basketball teams taking a back burner for once. Although all four teams would still be entered into their normal competitions. "So now the traditional theme is out, we need ideas for a replacement" added the beautiful woman, making the quotation marks when she said traditional, as if stating her own dislike for the theme. At the same time, her icy eyes rolled over every student in the room, as if she hoped a particular one would speak up and finally be heard after all but being silenced and ignored the previous year.

"What about a starry theme, maybe with a red carpet so everyone feels welcome and like the star of the show" answered Echo, shifting slightly in her seat, even more so when the attention turned to her. Most appearing surprised she'd spoken, those on the committee with her last year, likely remember her as the quiet one whom Brie and Daniel took their anger out on. The one given the jobs nobody else could be bothered to do. Seth at her side with a small smile threatening to take over, as he silently encouraged her without uttering a single word. Sami appeared to be doing the same from across the table.

"All those in favor of Echo being committee leader, say I" announced Xavier from the front table, almost smirking upon noticing Michelle had been one of those who said I. The only ones who didn't were Serenity and Natalya, both girls appeared oblivious to their counterparts in Jinder, and Tyson had spoken out in agreement with Echo, a rival and someone considered low on the hierarchy. Brie and Daniel would be irate for sure. In fact, neither Serenity nor Natalya appeared to be paying attention, instead both typing away at their phones. "Congrats Miss Black. Now order us about" laughed Xavier, seeing Echo seemed uncertain about being in control. Yet at the same time had likely figured she'd been selected to prevent Daniel and Brie from getting their way, which in turn would only irk them more than they already were.

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