Sports Class Conversations

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"What we miss?" whispered Seth, noticing the tension thick between the Bella sisters. Brie thew death glares in Nikki's direction every opportunity afforded to her, whereas Nikki seemed more than happy to ignore her twin. A comment or two escaped her about her hand being numb and tingly. Aleister once again chuckled, as what happened flooded back. Even the rumors Brie had attempted to start had tickled him, as he was sure Echo would find them just as funny. Dean too soon joined in with light-hearted chuckles, more to see Renee respond to the bitchy cheerleader, in defense of her friends. Summer had casually walked passed with a sly comment while ignoring what happened for the most part. Although she'd been all too happy to give Daniel another detention for his choice of words towards several in the courtyard. Adding to the one he'd already received from Booker earlier in the day.

"Brie tried spreading the rumor Aleister and Echo were dating" started Nikki, not being surprised when Echo began to laugh, probably from Brie's obliviousness, especially when she and Aleister often referred to each other as siblings. Aleister called her, his sister from another mister. Whereas Echo greeted Aleister as, a brother from another mother. The two hadn't been shy about it, nor were they when it come to teasing each other. "Cross shut it down. Ney Ney gave Brie a piece of her mind before tying her bag strap to one of the concrete benches. While I sorta coursed the hand print on goat face cheek and accidentally kneed him in the groin" explained the older Bella twin. Recalling Renee had tied Brie's bag strap tight enough, the other cheerleads had to rip or cut the strap to free her and the bag. "Our dear student leader in Summer saw the whole thing and congratulated Renee and me. Gave Daniel detention for his language and walked off as nothing happened" laughed the teen nicknamed Fearless, even more so when she remembered how sassy Summer had been, as she walked off with Emma. Emma doing her normal dance while Justin Gabriel blowing bubbles around the girls. Fandango popped them when they invaded his area, always with a grin.

"We still staying over at Echo's tonight?" asked Miz, recalling when the arrangement had been made. Just as he recalled how most of them had been surprised she'd offered. Carmella mentioning only Nikki, AJ, Finn and Aleister had been there before. The Dutch teen practically lived with the family, even having his own room there.

"Be after the committee's over. Nikki, JJ's welcome to join as well" stated Echo in response, her soft smile unmoved as she composed herself the best she could from the laughter. The group soon took notice when Booker began to explain what was happening. The next hour and a half would be an assessment period and would go towards deciding who would be on the Wrestling team that year. They could choose their own groups but had to practice their chosen move set and work on their in-ring characters. The moment Booker finished his explanation, the jocks and cheerleaders wasted little time in merging as a group, Lita joining them in order to give Serenity the extra help she'd be in need of, and to gauge how much she had learned from her previous school if she had learned anything.

The mix-and-matched group also stayed together. Each quickly finding themselves in a discussion about their in-ring characters. Both AJ and Cross mentioned they planned to incorporate their crazy ways into it, with Miz and Maryse admitting they were going to do a joint act, Hollywood A-Listers. Dean, Seth, and Roman all revealed their little plan to be a destructive stable, working together as a team, although they had no official name yet. Aleister soon turned his attention to Echo, curious if she'd voice her secret to those in the dark. Or if she would wait until the gathering that night where it would be revealed in a more subtle way. Echo soon noticed his attention, and gently shook her head, instead finding comfort in being able to hide her secret just a little longer.

"Alright Demon. I want to be on the receiving end of your finisher" announced Finn, a bright cheery grin painted upon his lips as he all but carefully pulled Echo down the bleachers towards the ring. "You've been practicing it all summer. Time to show those watching what you can do" chuckled the Irish teen, recalling when Aleister had volunteered to be on the receiving end, he'd joked about it after, despite it being classed as a risky maneuver.

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