Lesson Not Learned

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When break rolled around that day. No member of Brie or Daniel's group could be found in the ordinary gathering spot, nor could the so-called king and queen of the senior year be found in the canteen, loudly berating and tormenting students for choosing anything but the vegetarian or vegan options on the school menu. Only a few members of the combined group could be found wandering the school grounds. Rusev and Lana huddled up near the library with Tyson, Jinder, and Dana Brooke. All of them seemingly minding their own business, talking amongst themselves and occasionally playing random songs via youtube. One would hardly realize they were members of the popular group by just looking.

The rest of the group had gathered near the reception, waiting for Michelle to appear. All of them had been informed by the respective tutors they were expected to attend a meeting with Stephanie, over their plans for Homecoming. There was no clue given on whether it was good or bad. Although Daniel had chosen to believe it was a good thing as they'd requested it and it was a chance to voice their thoughts and opinions. Brie, on the other hand, looked to reality and quickly suspected it would be bad. After all the white binder folder confiscated from Natalya during the last committee meeting, had everything the girls had spent the summer planning. Including a list of students to be banned and their preferred dress code. Not even Serenity's often oblivious comments could lighten the mood. For those who could see the meeting for what it was. It was like they were prisoners waiting for the executor to swing the axe with the killing blow.

The moment Michelle appeared from the English corridor, the smiles Serenity, Charlotte, and Kaitlyn wore faded, as did that of Andrade, Lashley, and Cena. It was almost as if reality had finally hit them, as did the inevitable feeling of doom. The beautiful blonde teacher, soon waved the group of teenagers over, heading for the carpeted metal stairs as she did so. Not a single word escaped anyone, as they made the seemingly endless journey to the headmistress's office. Michelle held the door open for each to pass through with Stephanie's assistant Vicki Guerrero directing them toward the meeting room that joined Stephanie's office. The headmistress already waiting inside, on the table in front of her was the white carefully decorated binder folder. A laptop next to it, as if she was ready to take notes like it was any other meeting.

"Let's get straight to it" started Stephanie, making it clear although she'd made time for the group of students. She wasn't about to entertain them longer than needed. Nor was she going to give them the sense of control, some of them so desperately wished for. "So tell me why you all think, you're homecoming ideas are superior to the plans the chosen committee has in place?" asked the headmistress, wasting little time in skipping to the point. As she spoke, her icy eyes washed over each of them carefully, as if assessing them individually for the threat they'd pose to other students around them.

"The girls have been planning homecoming, since last year's disastrous one" started Serenity, as if purposely forgetting, the group of girls present around her, had also planned the previous year's one, which she had so heartily called a disaster. The dimwitted brunette soon began to trip over her words, the moment Stephanie's attention turned directly to her. "An under-the-sea theme to promote the swim team, charts music, VIP access, dress code. All of it to make it even better than previous years and way more memorable. It will be for everyone" voiced the newest teen to the popular group, twirling a few strands of hair between her manicured fingers. Doing her best to make it sound like the plans the girls of her own group had made were all-inclusive, even when she knew it was anything but.

"Tell me, Mr. Bryan. How are your group's plans for homecoming for everyone, when there's a list of banned students and you ignore what the rest of the student body outside yourselves want?" politely questioned Stephanie, directing her question to the leader of the jocks. Watching as his eyes widened in horror, he'd been trying so hard to blend into the background. His confidence had long since faded. "Additionally I wonder how the Under-the-sea theme has anything to do with the wrestling team. Or how it is supposed to inspire inclusivity after last year's disaster, which your group had been in control of" continued the headmistress, as she waited for the normally gobby teenager to speak up and answer her. She couldn't help but see the dear-in-headlights look Daniel, displayed. How the teenager who was so loud and always had an answer or opinion on everything, seemed so lost now.

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