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Monday soon rolled around, and with it came the start of a new school week and the ire of change. The mix-and-match teenagers had met up at the agreed-upon spot, a large oak tree to the side of the main gates to the school. Each of them displaying an array of emotions, some with uncertainty, others with nervousness, and even a few with confidence. Brie and her girls had been the first to notice the unusual gathering, quickly she had called a group meeting with their counterparts in the jocks. Although neither Maryse, Miz, Drew, Seth, Dean, or Roman showed, nor did Carmella.

"Time to go destroy the status quo" commented Miz, as the newly formed group began to make their way through the recently repainted black gates. The sun above them shinning bright as if approving of the message they hope to convey. A smile placed firmly on Miz's features as he lead the way with Maryse. Cross bounced along behind, once again on a sugar rush from the energy drink Aleister had given her, her excitement was likely mixed in too. Echo and AJ on the other hand deciding to skip with their crazy grins, Dean joining them much to Renee's amusement. Seth walked behind them with Roman and Drew, all of which attempted to hold back their laughter, as Aleister announced he was filming the trio who skipped along, Becky agreeing as had Carmella. Finally Finn, Punk, and Corey followed behind as if ensuring nothing happened and nobody snuck up on the others

Brie and Daniel stood in their normal group meeting spot, at the tree truck near the lake running through the back of the school. Surrounding them was their close circle of friends, excluding those who had opted to leave in favor of the mix-and-match group, the couple named Beauty and the Goat had branded as a problem. The conversation at hand was the plans they'd been making over the last day or so. Some were to tear apart the newly formed problem group, with the others being to take control of the Homecoming Committee. Serenity stood with the group of Cheerleaders and Jocks, obeying the dress code Brie had set for her loyal girls but still in the midst of a tantrum about not being able to attend her first pool party, due to the majority of her newly found friends being grounded. She had however had her spirits lifted slightly, by finding one of her classmates attractive. Although she'd yet to actually admit it to anyone or share the name of the teen to gain her attention.

"Nikki" yelled Brie, upon seeing her older twin passing through the area with the rest of her group. Laughter echoed from each of them, as they made their way to a specific destination. No doubt the bleachers on the sports fields, or the basketball court where the back entrance to the changing rooms was. The older Bella twin paid little mind to her selfish sister calling her, or the demanding tone that was sown through her voice as she repeatedly called for her as if she was a dog. Brie made her way toward the group, following being ignored. Eva, Serenity, Kaitlyn, Natalya, Mandy, Lana, Cameron, Charlotte, and Dana followed along, almost as if Brie was a queen and they were her loyal handmaidens. "I want to talk to my sister, now move Bitch" casually demanded Brie, upon finding her path blocked by AJ, the petite brunette ignoring Kaitlyn, Eva, and Serenity laughing at the petty naming calling. Although it soon faded upon noticing AJ stood her ground and Brie's growing frustration.

"If you want to get to Nikki then you have to go through me first Pumpkin" giggled AJ, her famous crazy smile painted on her lips, with a glimmer in her dark eyes to match. Kaitlyn had predictably been the one to make a move against her former best friend. Not thinking twice before reaching out to slap AJ for her defiance, only for Echo to catch her wrist before Kaitlyn's intended strike could find its target. The dark-haired teen with fury in her icy eyes, Natalya had attempted to come to Kaitlyn's rescue only for Echo to turn her deadly glare to her, thrust stopping the blonde in her tracks.

"I'm done ignoring Beauty and the Goat, and their mindless followers. If they want a war, then I'll be happy to give it to them" voiced Echo, as she let Kaitlyn go, noticing the uncertainty to shine in Brie's eyes, for so long she had tormented several of those apart of the group she'd branded as trouble, including her own twin. Never once had she considered the idea of them retaliating let alone banding together to stand against her, to break the rules she and Daniel had put in place, to destroy the status quo and hierarchy. "How long do you think it would be before you break from your own games being played back at you?" asked the dark-haired teen, finally reaching her breaking point, although her calmness only served to creep out the group of girls before including her cousin.

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