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"You two be safe and have fun!" called Cathy, as she dropped JJ and Nikki off at the end of the street Echo and her family lived on. A well-kept apartment block in front of them, the security guard stationed there keeping an eye on them as if waiting to see if the pair of teenagers would enter the apartment building or move on down the street. Both Nikki and JJ waved to their mother, as she turned the car around and drove off, after which the duo began to make their way down the quiet upper-class street. The further they got the more confused JJ become, Nikki could only grin, even more so when she spotted some of the others wandering around, confusion painted on their features as they questioned the google maps app.

"Need help?" asked Nikki, a friendly smile painted on her lips, as the group of Seth, Roman, Dean, Drew, Miz, Maryse, Renee, and Summer, looked in her direction, relief seemingly washing over each of them, as they found comfort at seeing Nikki there. The older of the Bella twins suspected Aleister, Cross, Becky, AJ, and Punk along with Finn, Corey, and Carmella were likely already at Echo's, or at least were having less trouble finding the place due to being with someone who'd already been there. Or had been there themselves before. "You've already passed it if you've come up this far" laughed Nikki, beginning to lead the group of confused teenagers down the upper-class street with a caring smile upon her painted lips. JJ hung back to talk to some of the group members whereas Drew quickened up to walk to Nikki's side.

"Wait, is this the right place?" questioned JJ, seeing some of the boys he'd been talking to, were just as surprised as him, if not more so. The large family home seemed almost out of place with its black and white exterior compared to the white and beige houses surrounding it. The former cheerleader nodded with a sweet smile before walking up the garden path, the other teenagers following quietly behind, almost in awe and still surprised. Echo's mother greeted the group at the front door, welcoming all of them to the family home, as well as introducing herself to those visiting for the first time.

With gentleness, Isabelle gave JJ clear directions to get to where her triplet sons were. Mere seconds later she directed the older teenagers to the basement stairs. Informing them Echo and the others already there would be found in the large common area down there. Seth grinned upon walking down the carpeted stairs, noticing the fairy lights lining the walls, almost as if they were Christmas decorations the family forgot to take down from the festive holiday. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs the group was welcomed by Echo, being greeted with the sight of Aleister and Finn participating in a dance-off of sorts with Cross and AJ. Punk filmed the entire thing with Becky watching on with amusement.

At the Bella Residents, the group of cheerleaders making up Brie's entourage had arrived, each with smiles and a different outfit to what they were wearing during the school day. Serenity looked around amazed, comparing the beautiful two-story family home, to the cramped apartment she shared with her mother. A home she was too embarrassed to invite friends over to. Daniel and his group of trusted boys soon arrived too, joining the girls in the midst of their random conversation about the dances after Homecoming. Cameron suggested they should all go prom dress shopping together, with each agreeing to go on a specific date, so they had a chance at getting a good dress rather than being left to pick from the dresses no one else wanted.

"So how's Homecoming planning going," asked Daniel, upon the group of popular boys joining the girls in the living room. Almost instantly the friendly atmosphere turned awkward and tense as all turned their attention to Nattie, Serenity, Tyson, and Jinder. The two teenage boys didn't seem all that bothered by it, instead ignoring the question entirely as they knew Brie and likely Daniel to an extent would throw a tantrum upon finding out whatever the girls had planned during the summer was likely going to be obsolete.

"The normal theme was voted out. Not evening going to be considered for this year's event" complained Natalya, playing with her blonde locks to try and settle her growing nerves. Serenity was at her side still furious she hadn't been given control and been practically ignored when she'd stood up to share the plan with everyone else. "Neither of us was voted leader of the committee either" continued the Canadian native, all but refusing to speak the name of the teenager selected as leader. Even more so when all knew Brie and Daniel would have a hard time pushing the teenager in question around.

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