Intervention Pt.1

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With the new year comes renewed determination on Serenity's part. The Christmas holiday hadn't gone as she wanted it to. Her mother, Sienna, informed her they were spending Christmas with the parental side of the family, the first one in years since her father, Andy, had passed away. The elderly patriarch of the Black Family had made it clear drama wouldn't be welcome, especially on Christmas day. Of course, Serenity and her mother, Sienna, had ignored it. They'd behaved to begin with, mingling with those there without hassle for a little while. Valentine had helped his parents while Isabelle politely conversed with Sienna, seemingly catching up after so long of being in no contact. Serenity was content to glare at Aleister while questioning why he was even at the family Christmas instead of being with his own family.

There were sparks of drama when the presents were opened, Sienna making her opinions clear. Her princess should have the most presents, despite being the oldest of the grandchildren. As such, she tried to take gifts she saw value in from Oscar, Blaine, and Lewis. Serenity tried to snatch unopened presents beneath the tree, especially those meant for Echo. The matriarch of the family, Alyssa, had ended it quickly, stating presents weren't just from family but friends too.

The second time the drama started was at the dinner table. Sienna had turned to Aleister and said it was family only, to which Valentine had replied that Aleister was as good as his son. Alyssa and the elderly Hayden had agreed, knowing their only remaining son had practically adopted the Dutch teen in all but name. Plus, the teenager had joined them for family events for some time. After that, Serenity threw a tantrum about not sitting at the head of the table as she called dibs on. Instead, Hayden was on one side with his wife, Alyssa the other. Once again, it had been put to an end, with the teenage girl being told to sit down at one of the empty seats or she could enjoy her festive dinner in the kitchen alone.

The new year was a little better, or at least in Serenity's mind, it was. She had reconnected with old friends from her previous school. Speaking to them caused a wave of hope to wash over her and her mean streak to be reignited. In order to get them on her side, she had told them about events to happen over the first half of the year, switching things around so her role as instigator and driving force became her being the victim instead. She made it sound like it was perfect with her storytelling until the few she painted as the evil in her fairytale ruined everything.

Serenity told her friends after the Carrie incident at the Homecoming instead of Maryse being the accidental victim. She was covered in the thick red paint after taking her rightful place as homecoming queen. She'd told them about the many times Roman had ignored Summer and broke her heart, but made out she was the one dating Roman instead of Summer. Made it seem like Summer had stolen Roman away and manipulated him to get what she wanted. Serenity had spoken about the mismatched teens being her friends but turning on her thanks to Summer's antics.

Summer became the bad guy, the wicked witch in Serenity's twisted story. Along the way, she blamed Summer for Becky and Finn's break up and Seth and Echo being in limbo. Serenity had been so good at storytelling that she'd gotten the sympathy she wanted. Each of her old friends agreed to help her, and some even thought of ideas. They would torment the bullies, using the internet to remain anonymous. Of course, Serenity had wasted little time giving the group the list of names of her so-called friends of the mix-and-match group and those part of the popular group. She wasted no time sending a list of names of those branded the villains of her high school story—Summer and the Darklings, as well as Punk and Corey.

On an agreed day, the plan Serenity and her old friends had perfected since getting back in touch was put into motion. Armed with Serenity's creative stories and fake social media accounts, posts were made accusing Summer of being a cruel bully and accusing Roman of abandoning his girlfriend for a freak like Summer and making up accusations about the Darklings, suggesting they were bullying Serenity. Edited photos were posted to suggest Serenity had been attacked by her bullies during the holidays. Fake message conversations were made and posted. Everything they could think of to ruin the reputations of those Serenity had targetted.

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