Ready For This?

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The next school day saw Brie walking through the school gates, surrounded by her selected group of girls. Each of them trailed her, clad in the color she'd decided for the day. Some of them with smug grins on their painted lips, others content on ignoring passing students, even pushing them out of the way if they felt like it. Their counterparts in the Jocks had begun to gather at their normal meeting spot near the lake running through the back of the school. Daniel already seemed as if someone had wound him up, there was little doubt he'd been on the receiving end of a prank, probably from Dean, Punk, or Corey, as they were the normal culprits and seemed to take joy in winding up the Jocks. Neither seemed to waste the opportunity to do something.

"Ready for this?" asked Daniel, upon the full group of Cheerleaders, both past and present joined the growing number of Jocks at the tree trunk. Brie greeted him with a sweet kiss, and a casual grin appeared on her painted lips mere seconds later. Lana did the same with Rusev, although the two also spoke to each other in Russian as if they were purposely ensuring none of their friends could decipher what they were talking about. Natalya seemed almost confused regarding Tyson, he was always there before her, yet this time he was nowhere to be found, as was Jinder. Even the normally oblivious Serenity had noticed their absence. Although she never questioned nor mentioned it.

"Today's the day, where Homecoming becomes ours" laughed Brie, taking notice when a few other senior year students ran past, seemingly with excitement. They whispered to their friends about something, but nothing any of the popular group could understand. "What's going on?" demanded the younger of the Bella twins, as she looked at the small group forming not too far ahead of her own friend group. Her expectation of answers was clear, as her full attention turned to the group of boys, as did a few others such as Daniel, Mandy, Austin, Serenity, and Charlotte.

"The sports teams for the rest of the year are up. Hunter put the lists up on the board outside reception" announced the older boy, his excitement ringing through, as he began to celebrate with his friends. It was obvious he and likely some of those he celebrated with, had made it on to at least one of the teams. Austin wasted little time in running off towards the aforementioned board, curious if he'd gotten on to any of the teams this year. He'd tried out for several, and he had his hopes he'd get on the basketball team but had also tried out for the swim and boy's volleyball teams. Just as he'd signed up for both the drama club and the music club, with the hopes of learning some new things.

His group of friends followed behind with haste, Cena had mentioned he wanted to be the captain of the wrestling team, if only so he could lead All Star Academy to success this year and prove he could do it. Although he'd also hoped certain students weren't on the team with him if he'd made it on to it. The moment each of them reached the notice board, Daniel and Brie all but pushed their friends aside, wanting to be the first to see if they made it onto any teams that year. After all in their own minds, they were the best at everything, they could do everything. Daniel soon began to celebrate, doing a small victory dance upon reading he'd made it on the swim and wrestling teams, Brie on the girl's volleyball team as was the norm for her. Several of their friends were also listed for several teams. Although Daniel had disappointment Brie nor any of the girls he befriended had made it onto the wrestling team. Instead, the majority of the team had been made up of members from the newly formed mix-n-match group.

"Looks like me and Daniel have some work to do" mumbled Cena, upon realizing his ex and several of her new friends were among those named for the wrestling team. Echo and AJ were also there, as were some of the other star athletes of the school, such as all three members of the Hounds, and CM Punk. "If we do this right, we might be able to get the losers removed from the teams" commented the popular jock, a somewhat smug grin upon his lips. "You ladies focus on the fast-approaching Homecoming dance" instructed Cena, spotting Drew from the corner of his eye, the Scottish teen carrying Nikki bridal style, the older of the Bella twins sweetly giggling in his arms. Some of their friends following behind, some doing a little romantic gesture, others just playing around.

Maryse carried a bouquet of flowers, a smile on her lips as if she was the first lady rather than a teenager attending mandatory schooling. Miz commented about the flowers, suggesting the sweet gesture hadn't been from him, but from another member of the rebellious group. Serenity scoffed before walking over to the group, her hips swaying with confidence. She wanted to make a scene when she did what she'd been thinking about since first laying eyes on the Samoan teen up ahead.

"Roman" called Serenity, her voice almost squeaky. The star athlete had turned upon his name being called, at first he believed it was Tamina or Nia calling, maybe even Noami. But when he turned he was met with his high school stalker, acting as if she was just another ordinary innocent schoolgirl. Upon reaching his position, the brunette grabbed hold of his jacket collar, digging her recently manicured nails into the fabric with little care, as she yanked him toward her. The moment he was jerked close enough, she connected their lips. Just seconds later, she pushed the Samoan teen away with confidence, as if she was satisfied she'd firmly placed him under her spell. Whereupon she turned on her heels and walked away, once again swaying her hips, if only to attempt to enchant Roman further.

"Hey, Seth. Got any plans for homecoming?" asked Mandy, letting Serenity's contagious confidence spread to her. The two-toned teen looked almost confused as if he was trying to discover the answer to what was going on. Instantly Mandy thought about attending the dance with Seth, convincing him to abandon the rebellious group and return to the norm. She reveled in the idea of being the reason he'd return. At the same time, thoughts of what could happen after the dance come to mind, it was no secret among the popular group, Serenity was planning a homecoming after-party, she was renting a place to make it even more awesome. "I was thinking we could go together. Maybe just ditch the dance and go right to after party" commented the blonde bombshell, a confident grin appearing on her lips, convinced he would say yes, despite Seth's attention being on one of the girls apart of his own group.

"Actually I do have plans for homecoming" announced Seth in response, returning his attention back to Mandy after glancing quickly to the midnight-haired teen standing next to AJ. A pleased grin formed on his lips, as if relieved and a bit surprised she'd agreed with his silent suggestion. "I'm attending both the game and the dance with my girlfriend" voiced Seth, paying attention when a range of emotions passed over the features of the popular group just ahead. Ranging from shock to genuine surprise. Each was no doubt surprised he'd been willing to give the high school romance another try, after the disastrous ending to the previous one.

As if on cue the memory of the night before came flooding back. So much had happened, including both himself and Drew having gained enough confidence to admit attraction to their respective crush. To Seth's surprise, Echo had been open with him, even agreeing to go on a date and accept the title of girlfriend. Nikki on the other hand, had explained kindly, she wasn't ready to give love a chance again just yet, however, she wasn't completely closed off to the idea and would happily see where things went. The teen known affectionately as Fearless had also thanked Drew for his honesty.

"Wait, you have a girlfriend?" commented Serenity, as if the idea of a star athlete falling for anyone outside her friend group was impossible to her. For a moment Serenity's hazel eyes darted over to Kaitlyn and Mandy, knowing Mandy had always had a thing for the two-toned teen, whereas Kaitlyn had long since only had eyes from Punk, her jealousy, and envy for her former best friend always something she struggled to control. Although she often lets it win when it comes to the one-sided rivalry. "Who?" demanded the brunette, her voice filled with resentment and even anger and frustration over the situation. Seth smirked at the question, his attention quickly diverting to Echo, still wearing the cap he'd given her the day before with pride. She was confident now, as if not realizing the attention of most in the immediate area had turned to her.

"Echo" uttered Daniel, with disgust flooding his almost even voice. "You're dating Echo" added the gobby teenager, as if he was in disbelief and struggling to comprehend the information he and so many had just learned. Brie stood beside him, acting as if the information wasn't a big surprise. The younger of the Bella twins had lost count of how many times she'd noticed Seth looking longingly in Echo's direction. How many times she'd seen him gravitate toward the darker teen, almost as if they were opposite sides of a magnet being pulled to each other. Despite her disdain for Echo, even Brie couldn't help the small smile threatening to appear on her lips. Finally, Seth was embracing the journey of happiness again, and people were finally seeing the gothic teen outside her regular group of friends. 

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