Intervention Pt.2

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In the old history classroom, the half of the mismatched group at the school that day gathered. Vicki had explained why they were there in a much kinder way than Shane had with the popular bunch—kindly requested their phones, informing them of Stephanie's intention of going through them, of course, with their parent's permission. At the same time, she also enlightened each about the social media storm revolving around them, something it was clear they were aware of but had so far ignored due to correctly identifying it as unwanted drama.

"Makes you wonder how Hunter's gonna handle it," spoke Drew from near the window, waving at Cameron when she spotted them. Vicki had tasked each with making welcome folders and put on some music to help the time go quicker. It was clear from the way Vicki acted they weren't in trouble, at least not yet. For now, Stephanie wanted answers about what was happening between the two groups; the more they cooperated, the quicker the issue would be solved, and each could be on their way again. "He's got most of our precious Darklings to deal with. Don't imagine that's gonna be easy," he added quickly, even more so when they all knew how tense things were going to be.

"At least Seth will be distracted. He wasn't thrilled when he realized his psycho ex was on the opposing team," commented Renee, recalling how broken Seth had been following the betrayal of his childhood friend and subsequent breakup with Lacey. The torment after only added to the pain, to his suffering, and was part of the reason he shut himself off from dating until Echo. Deep down, Renee knew Seth kept his distance from the gothic teen because he knew what it was like being in her position and how hard it was to open up and move on from it.

"I don't think Hunter's intervention will be about Serenity's drama," called Roman, casually tying his long hair into a man bun, if only to keep it out of his way. "Aside from Brie and maybe Fearless, the rest have nothing to do with it. Especially the Darklings," he added with a confident tone. He knew Serenity wanted him; she wanted to hurt Summer, to have what Brie once had. "Plus, we all know Hunter has a soft stop for our Darklings."

"If not Miss Dramatic, then what?" asked Becky, regretting her question almost instantly. Even more so when it suddenly hit her. Hunter, like Michelle, had been a huge supporter of their found family. When things had become unstable between them, Hunter had given the Darklings access to the NXT hall, whereas Michelle had taken the rest and given them a place to hide. A spare classroom that was rarely used by anyone.

"Hate to break it to you, Bex, but Seth and Echo are yet to talk about what happened and move on", started Carmella with a sweet tone. "Throw in Seth, obviously harboring feelings for you too; he's confused. Then toss Damian into the mix with his feelings for Echo; you have a messy relationship pudding," she added, showing how observant she could be. Although Seth hadn't spoken of his feelings, it was apparent he was confused, torn even between the two teenage girls he held some love for. Damian, on the other hand, was more challenging to figure out; it had taken Carmella some time to work out that he held affection for the gothic teen. But instead of telling her, he waited patiently for her to be ready to give love a shot again.

"I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that awkward intervention," voiced Miz, Maryse at his side smiling widely as she tried to imagine their wrestling coach going into Papa Bear mode. To help them move forward. "Wait, does that mean Vicki's in on the plan, and this bit with Serenity and her baboons is just the beginning?" he added, wondering at which point Michelle would appear to go Momma Bear on them. It wasn't long before Summer reappeared, fury written across her otherwise perfect features. Vicki followed behind, taking Renee with her when she left again.

"You can rival Demon with that glare," commented Corey, noticing the similarities between the two glares. Although he'd admit Echo's was colder and could send a shiver down his spine, Summer's was far scarier, especially when he knew how kind and gentle she was any other time.

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