Intervention Pt.3

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The wrestling team was quiet after hours of traveling across the country and then competing in the tournament. Whatever energy they'd stored had long since been used. Therefore, Triple H wasn't surprised by how quiet the luxury travel bus was. Most of the eleven students had settled for the long journey back home, spread out around the bus, minding their own business. The wrestling coach was at the front of the bus, close to the doors, his laptop on the table as he took the time to catch up on forgotten paperwork and read the emails regarding what had been labeled the "intervention." A sigh escaped him as he remembered he'd yet to do the same with the eleven students in his company, although he, like Michelle, Vicki, and Stephanie, knew they didn't have anything to do with the drama. Instead, like others, they'd been caught in the middle between Serenity and her desires, namely Roman.

Hunter soon looked up from his laptop, sighing once more before deciding to check on the group of eleven. The students he was proud of, despite their differences at the moment they, had continued to work together and once again ensure victory for All Star Academy, cementing their spot in the tournament finals. The Bella twins were the first pair he'd come across, occupying one of the table seats. Nikki was continuing her tradition of writing in her journal, and Brie was doing something on her phone. The row behind in the normal seats were Punk and AJ. The latter had long since fallen asleep, her head on Punk's shoulder. Punk appeared to be watching YouTube videos, slowly dozing while looking over to AJ occasionally with softness.

Further back on more of the tabled seats were Aleister, Finn, and Damian, who all seemed to be minding their own business. Aleister and Finn wrapped in conversation while Damian read one of the books he'd brought alone; every now and again, he'd glance over to Rhea and Echo at the tabled seats across from them. The two girls didn't notice; Rhea seemed content watching the darkened scenery go past, and Echo appeared to be watching something.

Just behind the Darklings on either end of the aisle were Seth and Dean in single seats. Dean seemed happy enough reading and sending text messages; there was little doubt in Hunter's mind someone was keeping him updated on what had taken place during the day, perhaps a little teasing, too. Seth, on the other hand, glanced around every now and again but mainly listened to music and continued to read the comic book he'd brought with him.

"Dean," whispered Hunter so as not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere to have fallen over the bus or draw too much attention. When the shaggy-haired teen looked up, the wrestling coach motioned for him to follow. Silently, they walked back to Hunter's tabled seat at the front of the bus. Suddenly unsure how to start the conversation, Hunter waited until Dean had gotten himself comfy, using the few seconds to think of something. "You know about the intervention back at the school today?" asked Hunter, his words shakey as he tried to find the right ones.

"Yeah, Ney updated me on everything and Serenity's latest attempt at drama," replied the shaggy-haired teen known as the Lunatic. A shiver rattled down his spine as he recalled the message from Renee detailing everything Serenity had done that day and the fallout for it. He'd already come to realize the shaky ground between Summer and Roman was now on the verge of collapsing, especially with Serenity's "revelation," if you could call it that. It was clear no one knew if the mousy-haired drama queen was telling the truth or if she'd just blurted out the first thing she thought of to gain Roman's attention.

"Then you know from tomorrow, both groups will be separated as much as possible," spoke Hunter, knowing the precautions had been put in place just in case things broke down worse than they already had. "Michelle recommended continuing to allow you all access to the empty room she put you in before. But I need to know if you think everyone is ready to be back together again or if you need more time," he added, deciding it was best to get the opinions of those there before any permanent decisions were made. Most would say Summer and Roman were best kept apart. However, he was still determining if the same was said for Seth and Echo.

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