What's Broken ...

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"So what's the big secret you have on your former brothers?" asked Serenity, gently moving some of her brunette hair out of her face, as she scrolled through her phone. The Samoan at her side, doodling in the workbook, not paying any attention to what was going on around him. Not to the other students in the history class, nor JBL rambling out about some event hundreds of years prior. He didn't even hear Serenity's words, despite her being right next to him. His thoughts blocked out everything, due to being so loud.

So much had changed in the month since the Wrestling Tournament's first round. He'd resigned from the team, shocking the entire school. He'd made changes to his own life, no longer being so focused on being a school athlete, he wasn't phased by popularity anymore, nor did he care for the gossip, drama, and the never-ending parties random students threw. His attitude towards his school life had done a 180 too, he didn't pay attention in the classes he'd branded useless, and he didn't interact with those he now saw as beneath him either. But despite all the changes, he had struggled with some things.

He struggled with the idea of letting his friends go. Especially Seth and Dean. Summer to had been a difficult decision. Despite his cruelty toward the leggy blonde, he still cared for her. He hadn't ended their relationship, for fear of what would happen if he did. She was still a shining ray of light in his school life, seeing her in tears made his own heart hurt, even more so when he knew he was responsible for her pain. Seth and Dean were something else, he didn't want to lose them either, so hoped by threatening to reveal their secrets, they would see he still cared and didn't want to lose their brotherhood or friendship. Despite what Serenity said, they weren't his former brothers, they were his brothers.

"Hello. I'm talking to you" spoke Serenity with frustration, as she waved a manicured hand in front of Roman's face. He blinked a few times, before shaking his head, a sigh escaping his lips as he turned his attention to the brunette who had fooled herself into thinking she had control and had miraculously become the Queen of their year. She had been blinded by her own desires, she hadn't paid attention to the obvious truths waving in front of her. "I asked you what the big secrets you have on Seth and Dean" repeated the judgemental brunette, her attention fully on the Samoan now, as she waited with the expectation he would answer.

"Just things they're not so hot about others knowing" replied Roman, once again second-guessing himself. He questioned himself on why he had allowed the brunette at his side to manipulate him so easily. If her plan was to isolate him, then it was working. Her silky words had been what he thought he wanted to hear, but the poison had been what did the damage. She had tricked him into thinking those apart of his friend group were holding him back, made him believe they were just using him. She'd whispered he was the only reason why the wrestling team had succeeded. He had carried them.

But now he was seeing it was all just a way to pull him from where his heart truly lay. To isolate him from those who cared. He'd resigned from the wrestling team, and Seth and Dean remained a part of it, thrust getting the chance to talk to them would be difficult. Hunter put the whole team through rigorous training in order to ensure they were ready. He didn't know how to face Summer now, she'd stopped asking questions, and instead avoided him, as if he was a plague. Those apart of the mix-n-match group weren't fond of him at the moment either. Finn and Becky were too busy arguing to care what was happening with anyone else. They had paid the price for his threat, as Becky had come clean to Finn about something before the Samoan could utter the words.

The trouble with Finn and Becky had also extended to Seth and Echo, especially when Becky had told Seth she had come clean and Finn had clued Echo in. To say there was trouble in paradise was an understatement. But despite the obvious trouble all four of them had tried to put their differences aside to be there for Summer. The girls still spent the previous weekend together as arranged. The mismatched group had also continued on with their plans and built a small place together somewhere in the woods.

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