Chapter 2

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Leos house

Neymar's POV

I got out of the car and made my way to the door. Before knocking I pressed my ear to the door and heard them talking.

"Did anyone see you?" I heard Leo ask "No, no one saw me" she sighed. "Okay good" he replied "Yeah okay any ways where were we?" She said. Uh oh. "We need something first remember?" He said. She groaned and I heard footsteps walking away. I took this as my cue and busted through the door, and there on the couch was a shirtless Leo looking at me startled.

"Leo you can't do this! You can't do this to Antonelle!" He looked shocked "What are you talking about?" He asked confused. "You can't sleep with her you're making a huge mist-" he cut me off "Neymar who are you talking about?!" He asked confused. "Hey Leo I only found Corona or Root beer" she said not acknowledging me yet. "Her!" I said to Leo, he looked at the girl who was looking at me confused and then back at me and shook his head. "Nadia this is my teammate Neymar, Neymar this is Nadia.... my sister." He said. My mouth dropped as she came over and kissed my cheek "hola nice to see you again" she smiled that beautiful angelic smile at me. I was still in shock to reply as i felt my cheeks getting redder by the second. She handed Leo a Beer and took a PS3 controller.

As she sat down a phone stared to ring which I'm guessing was hers. She groaned and got up and walked to the kitchen.

My gaze followed her with every step she took, I was so mesmerized by her beautiful body. It almost seemed impossible that anyone could be that beautiful.

She picked up what looked like an iPhone an her perfectly plump pink lips curved into a huge smile when she looked at the screen.

"Hola mi amor" she said with her beautiful thick Spanish accent.

She smiled once again and made her way to the stairs. A feeling of jealousy surged through me whoever it was was definitely the luckiest guy in the world, I wish I was the reason behind her happiness.

"So... Now do you care to explain to me what you were referring to earlier?" Leo  asked.

I sighed and nodded "I thought you were cheating on Antonelle with her, its just when I saw you walking to your car with her and I thought you were together. And I didn't want to see you make that mistake of losing your family so I came here and I put my ear against the door to listen to what you guys were talking about, and the only thing I heard was you asking her if anyone saw her and then she said 'where were we' you said she had to 'get something' and when I busted in you were shirtless so I just assumed that you are about to do something with her."

"Well for starters I'm glad to know that you feel the need to get involved in my personal life, but anyways I didn't want the guys to see her because we're throwing a party tomorrow for her to surprise the guys, and she said where were we because we were playing FIFA but I had told her before that I was thirsty and if she could get me something to drink. that's why I said we need to do something first" he said sternly.

"I'm sorry man I should have talked to you first before jumping to conclusions" I said.

"Don't worry about it bro, yeah just know you can talk to me first" He smiled.

I nodded and we started playing FIFA.

Nadia's POV

"Hola mi amor " I smiled as I answered Cris's call. "Hola minha princesa" he said causing me to smile even more. "How was your practice darling?" I asked making my way upstairs. "It was tiring babe, it would've been better if you had stayed to watch me" he said I could almost sense that he was frowning. "Mi Vida I was there the whole practice I was at the top of the bleachers, Leo just didn't want any of his teammates to see me yet so we could surprise them, but I saw your whole practice darling even that amazing goal. " I said. "Really babe? You saw it! That's awesome I was doing my best to impress you even though I thought you weren't there." He said. "I'm always impressed when it comes to you mi Vida" I smiled.

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