Chapter 19

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Nadia's POV

I woke up again after falling asleep in Marc's arms to hear a few hushed whispers.

Yawning I look up to see Marc smiling down at me.
"Hey you" he says softly cupping my cheek.

"Hi" I giggled as a pecked his lips.

Looking up to the foot of the bed I see a doctor and a nursing writing things down on a clipboard.

"Good evening I'm glad to see you're doing well" the doctor states keeping a serious face.

"Hello Doctor, but I don't feel well at all" I groaned.

The doctor gave me a sad smile before talking "Unfortunately Miss. I have some unfortunate news. Sir could you please step out for a moment while I talk in private with the patient."

"What?! No if there's something wrong with her I want to know!" Marc growled at the doctor.

I look at the doctor and nodded my head, "it's okay doctor whatever you need to say you can say it in front of him."

"Uh very well. I'm really sorry to inform you both but unfortunately Miss you had a miscarriage." The doctor sighed.

"Doctor there must be some mistake! I wasn't pregnant!" I hollered

"Yes ma'am according to the ultrasound you were, 4 weeks to be exact. I'm sorry." He said looking down.

At that moment I felt every ounce of oxygen leave my body. I didn't move I didn't talk I just sat there shocked for what felt like forever.

My eyes became extremely blurry in a matter of seconds I knew I was crying.
I let out a loud wail and began crying my heart out. I didn't care about what was going on around me all I cared about was my baby, the one I would never get to hold in my arms. The one I would never get to see grow up.

I felt my body begin to shake violently before everything went black and all the pain that I felt in those last 5 minutes disappeared.

1 week later...

I sigh and turn of the television, it had been just weeks since I discovered the horrible news that I had lost my baby. A baby that I didn't know was there.

Everyone has told me that with time it would heal, but how would they know.

I've been in bed for 3 weeks with the same empty feeling in my heart and in my bed.

Marc hadn't talked to me and I know he blamed everything on me. He comes home every morning drunk and sleeps all day just to go drink more in the night. The only reason he's still ob Barca is because the feel bad for him.

He was supposed to be there for me. To help me and get through this together but just like everyone else he's left me alone.

Leo comes by everyday to check on me and I honestly am so grateful for that.

I just wish that I knew what to do from here.

But unfortunately,
Life doesn't come with instructions...

(Next Chap Coming soon)

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