Chapter 24

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Neymar's POV

I'm immediately awoken by the blaring sound of my alarm signaling that it's time for my morning workout. I groan out and rub my face with my palm.

I feel a the warm weight on my chest begin to squirm and I reach my hand quickly to my nightstand in search of my phone.

Once the alarm is off I notice the squirming stop and I look down on my sleeping angel. She's curled up in my chest in the same position where she fell asleep. Her delicate sleepy face is buried into my neck allowing me to feel her soft shallow breathing. Her left hand tucked under the pillow around my neck and her other arm is wrapped around my waist.

She's so beautiful, definitely the most beautiful woman in the world. It still kills me every time I think about all that she's had to go through. She's loved 2 men before me, and knowing her she loved with her whole heart. A heart that's still recovering from all of the times it's been smashed to pieces... even by me.

Since 8 months ago when I ran into her at El Clásico game with Barcelona and Madrid for the second time.


The deafening sound of screaming is the first thing I'm met with as I exit my car and slam the door shut.

"Ready bro," Gil asks patting my shoulder giving me a pitiful smile.

I glance over at him and nod, "Yeah irmão (brother)," I glance at him before we make our way out of the garage and towards the stadium.

It seemed almost like a bad dream, I was walking into Camp Nou to one of the most important games in the world of soccer. This was the match that truly defined soccer and I wasn't going to be part of it.

So much went down to lead me to this point. The biggest reason was the tension on the team and the fights that resulted from it. After Marc came out in a public interview and spoke about the truth in the ending of his relationship with Nadia, the world seemed to crash. He was open about everything, from the hell that he put her through, and leading to coming out on his infidelity. I assumed he did it in a desperate attempt to win her back. It didn't work out for him that way because she was long gone.

The last thing that anyone had heard from her was that she was in the States, this was confirmed when her new album Unspoken dropped out of nowhere. It topped all of the charts around the world which didn't surprise me at all. The only real indication that she was alive, were rare paparazzi images of her in California, New York, or Florida.

Lionel and I lost it when we found out what Marc had did to her. I remember the day clearly when I stormed into the locker room the day after the interview aired and beat the living daylights out of Marc. I left him with a broken nose, fractured cheek, and a concussion before I was pulled off of him. That didn't matter because as soon as I was done Leo took my place and beat him to a pulp before the rest of the team managed to get him off of Marc. Marc being the coward that he was he fled after that. He left Barcelona to joined some soccer club in Germany in hopes of escaping his past mistakes.

All of this in just 2 months after the breakup...

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't regret what I put her through. If I could go back to that day and change what I did, I would. It took that single day for me to realize the mistake that I made. My love for her had blinded me and she became a dangerous addiction. After that day I began seeing a therapist Dr.Palladio he helped me deal with my emotions and feelings. I also began attending church, it helped bring me closer to God and give me guidance.

"Watch out bro!" Gil shouted and I felt myself being tugged back. Looking up I noticed a huge metal post in my path. "Where you at man? You almost crashed!" He laughed at my shocked face and continued walking.

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