Chapter 23

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(11 months later)

Nadia's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Paris, France. The sky is crystal clear and the current temperature is 65 Fahrenheit. Remember that you can begin disembarking as soon as the seatbelt sign is turned off, thank you for flying with us and we hope to see you soon." The voice of the pilot broke through my concentration.

Starring once more at the article in the sports magazine that I'd picked up in the states that had caught my attention.

- Marc Bartra and girlfriend Melissa Jimenez enjoy date to private beach in Barcelona

I feel myself shake my head in disbelief. I notice the seatbelt sign go off. I grab my backpack and make my way out of the plane.

On the way to the baggage claim I toss the magazine into a recycle bin before I make my way over to the conveyer with suitcases. I spot my bag and quickly make my way over.

"Let me get that for you jolie fille (pretty girl)," I smile as I see a tattooed arm reach over and pull the suitcase from my reach.

"Merci beaucoup monsieur (thank you so much sir)," I smile up at him matching his gleaming smile before he sets my suitcase down and wraps both arms around me pulling me into a bone-crashing hug.

"I missed you so much Princesa," he breaths into my hair, as I slip my arms around his torso.

"I missed you too," I mumble against his warm and firm chest, feeling him place a kiss on the top of my head.

He pulls away slightly in order to lift my chin, before pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss before pulling away and caressing my cheek

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He pulls away slightly in order to lift my chin, before pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss before pulling away and caressing my cheek.

His hands fall to my hips as mine circle around his shoulder in order to pull him back down into another kiss. His lips move perfectly in sync with mine as our kiss becomes more heated. One of his hands slips down to squeeze my butt causing me to moan in his mouth.

Im quickly brought back to reality as I hear the intercom come on announcing another arriving flight. I pull away from him gasping for air and look around to see a few people staring at us weirdly. Yet I assume no one has recognized him because he's wearing a SnapBack and a hoodie overtop. What a scandal this would've been.

"Let's get you home, so you can make all that noise as loud as you want," He smirks down at me and begins to laugh at my flustered face. I slap his chest hard before pulling away and reaching for my suitcase.

"Your not funny" I mumble.

He's still laughing when he snatches the suitcase from my reach then slings my backpack over his shoulder. He looks over at me and winks, I smile shaking my head before I head over to him.

Swinging his free arm over my shoulders he pulls me into his side. He must've noticed my distanced face because he stops and leans down to place another kiss on my lips. "What's tumbling around in that pretty mind of yours?" He whispers against my lips before pulling away and continuing walk.

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