Chapter 5

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Nadia's POV

It was the day of El Clásico.

It had been 2 days since the incident with Marc. I was so greatful for Neymar being there for me.

I also told Cris about what happened and needless to say he was not pleased. He was furious about Marc touching me but he eventually calmed down.

Right now I was making my way to see Leo in the Barca locker room.

I was wearing Cris's Madrid Jersey and over it I had Leo's Barcelona Jacket. I was also wearing short black jean shorts and my black vans.

As I got closer to the door I could hear all of the screaming and singing.

I knocked hard in hopes that someone would hear me.

After a short while the door flew open revealing a shirtless Neymar.

"Nadia!" He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Neymar" I smile as I put my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his masculine sent.

He chuckled "I'm taking that as a good sign" he smirked as we pulled away.

I blushed "Haha yeah I like that cologne." I smile.

"Then I'll wear it more often" he smiled.

"But come in most of the guys are dressed" he said as he led me inside holding the door like a chauffer causing us both to burst out laughing.

Marc's POV

Walking into the dressing room I couldn't help but stare at Lionel, he reminded me so much of his sister.

Speaking of Nadia I haven't talked to her in two days it hurt me that she said she loved Cristiano.

I know I messed up, but it was a drunk mistake. The girl had put something in my drink which is the only reason I ended up in bed with her. I loved Nadia and I still do. I was willing to do whatever to get her back.

My thoughts were interrupted by an angelic laughed coming through the door.

I looked in the direction of the door and saw Neymar coming in with Nadia close behind him.

Jealousy surged through my whole body, why was she laughing with him?!

If I knew better I would have though Neymar liked her to. And if he wants to keep living I would highly advise him against it.

She stopped laughing when she spotted Leo with his back turned. She smirked and ran and jumped on his back causing them both to tumble forward, making everyone else laugh.

Leo groaned in pain and looked up at her with a glare.

"You know normal brothers and sisters just hug not tackle each other out of existence" he sighed as she laughed sounding like beautiful music in my ears.

"You love me though" she smiled as she hugged his waist. I felt a pinch in my chest , I know it's her brother but it still bothers me whenever another man touches her.

"Yeah I can't deny that" he smiled and shook his head.

She smiled and they kept talking. I didn't pay much attention to their conversation because I was too busy gawking at how beautiful she had gotten.

Her beautiful hourglass figure was complimented by the skin tight Barcelona jacket, her full round ass was held firmly by her tight black jean shorts making my mouth water. Her beautiful brown hair was pulled back into a braid of some sort. And she wore minimal make-up which still made her look breath taking.

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