Chapter 15

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Nadia's POV

"Leooo!" I cheered running into the locker room after the victorious win .

"Nadi!" He chuckled pulling me into a tight bear hug.

"You were amazing out there hermano!" I exclaimed.

"Gracias" he chuckled as he turned his attention to Anto and Tiago who had just entered.

I smiled as they shared a beautiful family moment.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my firm waist.

"Don't I get congratulated to?" Marc whispered into my ear.

I grinned and turned to face my sex god of a boyfriend. He was fresh out of the shower with a towel clung to his waist.

I ran my small fingers down his toned body causing him to shiver.

I leaned up close to his ear as my fingers played with the hem of his towel.

"But I can't congratulate you here now can I?" I whispered into his ear causing him to grip my waist firmly.

He gulped and let out a shaky breath.

"Oh baby.." He whispered.

"I want to go home" I whispered sensually before nibbling his ear.

He nodded quickly before hurrying to get dressed.

I chuckled and turned to face so guys who were smirking at me.

I blushed causing them to burst out laughing.

Shaking my head I turned to see Neymar furiously going back into the shower, so I quickly followed him.

I turned the corner to see him connect his fist with the wall.

"Neymar!" I gasped as I ran to hold him away from the wall.

I had my small hands pressed to his chest while he wrapped his around my waist.

"What are you doing?!" I scolded him.

He stayed quiet, I looked up and saw his eyes were dark filled with anger as he stared blankly at the wall.

I cupped his cheeks in my hands and lower his face to mine once his dark eyes met mine they softened.

He sighed and let go of my waist before sitting down on one of the benches.

He rested his arms on his knees and shielded his face with his hands.

"Ney" I whispered as I step towards him, placing my hands over his hands. "What's wrong?"

He lifted his head a little taking my small hands in his big protective ones.

He studied our hands for a few seconds before looking up at me lovingly.

I stared into his memorizing hazel eyes as I strokes his cheeks with my thumbs.

He gave me a small smile before pulling me onto his lap and placing my head in the crook of his neck cradling me like a baby.

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