Chapter 22

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Marc's POV
(during Nadia's appointment)
I walk through the illuminated building towards the elevator. I press the button in a haze as I think about how my life has changed, Smiling I think of the many beautiful dates and moments I shared with Nadia.

The elevator door dings and older couple walk out as I walk in... that could've been us. We were supposed to grow old together, now I can't being in a room with her. I hate myself.

I blamed her.

I blamed her... I am such an a**hole for walking out on her. I yelled at her but I was really just yelling at myself. I had to leave I couldn't see her face, it only reminded me of how beautiful our child would have been... It was all my fault. I couldn't take care of her, I wasn't there for her when she needed me. Now our baby is gone because of me

The sound of the elevator brings me back, I feel the internal struggle that's taking place in my body. Struggling I finally walk out and down the dim lit hallway. I need this...

I walk down until I reach the gate of hell, with my last breath I knock on the mirrored door. I see my reflection and I hate it.

I look down the hall towards the elevator, 'I can still run' I feel the slight breeze of the door being swung open.

"Marc Hey!" I look back at the door uninterested.

I walk in without a word and turn around.

"Melissa" I mutter as I pull her by her hair and tear her shirt off.

Nadia's POV


I don't even know where to start... I guess I can start by saying I'm sorry. What I did was wrong and there is no excuse for how I acted. I understand if you never want to see me again but before you do decide that. I need you to know something, I love you. I've always loved you... from the moment I ran into you in the Barcelona Hallway I knew that I had to have you. When I first saw you, you were with Cristiano, That same day he lost you. I saw this as a sign that you were meant for me. I saw you were upset and wanted to give you space... i now regret that because in the blink of an eye you were with Marc. It broke my heart every time I saw you with him, I could imagine myself with you so easily. You became my addiction, it was a dangerous addiction because my life revolved around you. It came to a point were this addiction tainted my dreams. I can't be awake without thinking about your face and I can't sleep without picturing our life in my dreams. If by any chance in the world you'd give me the opportunity to be with you I will do everything I can and more to make you the happiest women in the world. If you do choose to never see me again I understand, I wouldn't forgive myself. I know you have a huge heart though, and maybe one day I can hold even a small part of it.

With all of the love I hold in my heart
Neymar ❤️

I love you'

I wipe my tears as I read the message for the 4th time. The same note that was left in my phone by Neymar.

Placing my phone back on the nightstand and place the last of my clothing in the box.

The mover comes in and smiles at me as he tapes up the box.
"Is this it miss?" He asks picking up the last box.

"Yes, thank you" I smile as he nods and heads to place this box in the truck.

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