Chapter 8

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Cristiano's POV

After the loss I made my way to the locker rooms with a heavy heart.

Today we were suppose to win... I was so disappointed in myself. But at least I managed to score a goal for Nadia.

Seeing her beautiful face in the crowed made me feel like the happiest person in the world.

Speaking of Nadia, I thought she would already be here to make me feel better. Just how she always does after a game.

I made my way out of the locker rooms to wait for her.

"Hey Baby" I heard the most disgusting voice in the world.

"What do you want Irina" I growled.

"Isn't it obvious?" She smirked as she stood close to me "I want you" she smiled as she forcefully pushed her lips onto mine.

It all happened so fast but what took me by surprise was that I was kissing her back.

When she finally pulled away she had a smirk on her face and was looking behind me.

I turn around only to have my heart punched.

There was my princess with tears in her eyes as she started to walk away slowly.

"N..Nadi.Nadia" I stuttered as I pushed Irina away "baby it's not what it looks like" I pleaded as I started walking towards her.

"No! I don't want to hear it" she whimpered "I'm so done with you Ronaldo!" she yelled as she threw our promise ring at me and ran back through the tunnels.

No! No! No! "Baby!" I yelled after her but she was already gone.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled at Irina.

"If I can't have you, you can't have her besides don't act like you didn't like it!" she smirked and walked away.

My body was burning with anger as I punched the locker room door which was followed by a cracking noise from my hand.

I couldn't feel pain however I had already suffered enough. Seeing tears in Nadia's eyes broke me.

I took off running trying to look for Nadia as I heard James and Sergio yelling after me.

"Nadi!? Nadia! Baby where are you?! Please! Bebê?! Onde você está?!" I yelled.

I heard a moan, but it wasn't just any moan... It was Nadia's

I turned and heard more noise coming from a supply closet. I walked over and threw the door open.

Only to have my heart broken. My beautiful Nadia was is Marc's arms.

"What the hell?!" I yelled and swung and hit Marc squared on his left cheek. Causing him to fall back.

"Marc!" She squeaked What? Why does she care?!

I pulled her into his chest, "Don't you ever touch my girl again!" I yelled at Marc as he still layed on the ground.

She pulled away from me and bent down to help Marc up.

"I'm not your girl! And you made that pretty clear! You don't own me Cristiano!" She shouted as Marc wrapped his arm around her for support.

I was so hurt "Nadia baby it was a mistake I don't know what I was thinking!" I pleaded.

She shook her head "You're right you didn't but you don't have to worry anymore because now you can make all the mistakes you want " sbe yelled on the verge of tears.

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