Chapter 3

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(Very explicit content) RATED R

Cristiano's POV

I woke up to the rays of the sun hitting my face. I started to move when I felt someone wrapped around me, I looked down and saw the most beautiful angel in the world sleeping peacefully on my chest.

I stroked her beautiful wavy brown hair and she started making the most adorable baby noises, making me to grin from ear to ear.

"Baby" I whispered into her ear making her to groan and stir.

"Princesa" I whispered a bit louder.

She didn't wake up but she did put her head in the crook of my neck as she inhaled my sent.

"Bebe what am I going to do with you"? I chuckled.

"Love me" she mumbled causing me to smile and shake my head.

"I already do"I replied smiling.

After a few minutes I finally decided it was time to get up.

"Baby I have training" I said.

She groaned "Noooo.. Stay".

I smiled " You know I can't princesa".

I felt her soft lips start kissing my neck causing me to moan.

"babbyy please don't do this to me" I sighed.

She smirked and sat up on top of me tilting her head to the side while biting her lip, she looks so beautiful in her slightly messy natural wavy hair, and in my white button up shirt.

She bent down and started kissing my neck making her way to my abs where she licked them and then made her way back up to my neck where she began sucking it causing me to moan.

I couldn't take it anymore, I flipped us over so that I was on top. She smirked "I thought you had training?"

"Something came up" I said causing her to giggle. She gasped as I ripped off the shirt scattering the buttons everywhere and exposing her sexy black lace underwear set which caused me to groan in excitement.

Almost 8 months of not seeing this exotic beauty made this even more appealing. I went straight for her weak spot and began sucking and biting her neck.

"Mhhmm C-Chrisss Ohh" she moaned. I made my way down to her beautifully plump breast and licked around her exposed skin from her bra, causing her to arch her back.

I pulled down the fabric to her bra exposing her beautiful nipples, I took some of her breast into my mouth and began swirling my tongue and biting her nipple as I massaged the other one.

"Ayy Papiii" she groaned in her sexy Spanish voice.

"Don't say that, you know how much that turns me on!" I sighed. She giggled and I started licking and kissing my way down her body, only stopping to suck her bellybutton.

She gasped "Ay crisss.." I moved my fingers to her wet panties and began massaging her folds through the fabric.

"Mhmm yeahh baby" she moaned.

I moved my hand out and lowered my head between her legs causing her to gasp. With my hands I spread out her legs and began kissing her inner thighs, until I was hovering over her sensitive area. She gasped causing me to smirk knowing that I still had this effect on her.

I lowered my head even more until my lips were barely touching the wet fabric from her panties. "C-Cris pleasee I-I cant anymore"She pleaded.

I smirked and took in how beautiful she looked. Her beautiful curls were laid over my pillow, her head was tilted back with her bottom lip in between her teeth. Her dazzling juicy curves complimented the sheets that were around her. Her sexy plumb breasts were exposed and showing the love marks that I had placed from earlier.

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