Chapter 10

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(7 month's later)

Nadia's POV


"Neymar what are you doing?" I gasped as I backed away from him.

"Something I have been waiting to do since the first time I layed eyes on you" he grinned evily as he slammed me into the wall.

I stood there shocked not knowing what to do or say.

He harshly grabbed my hands and with one hand pinned them above my head.

He smirked as his other hand wondered down to the hem of my shorts.

I gasped and began to squirm as his hand dipped into my shorts.

"Ney!" I squeaked as he harshly began to rub my sex with his massive hand.

"Ple-please s-s-stop" I panted as my voice began to break.

"Mmm" he mumbled as he sucked on my sweet spot.

"Please this is wrong!" I cried.

He completely ignored me and continued to rub my sex above the fabric.

I whimpered silently not wanting to give into the pleasure his hand was giving me.

He hurriedly turned me around and pressed me into the wall with his hand still in my shorts and the other groping my breast.

I could feel his rock hard pulsing buldge against my ass.

His hand slowly slid into my blouse as I slowly began to give into him.

He cupped my breast and began to harshly work it with his hand.

He other hand slowly pulled the fabric off my panties to the side. I shuddered as his index finger slid through my dripping folds.

"Jesus... you're so wet" he growled as he worked his figure up and down my folds.

I nodded not began able to open my mouth because I would moan.

"You like that? Hmm? Do you like how my big fingers feel on your little pussy?" He whispered into my ear as he pinched my clint between his thumb and index finger.

I yelped when I felt him slap my pussy, "Answer me!" He growled.

I nodded biting my lip.

"Yes what?" He growled.

"I like it" I panted as his finger slid up and down my folds again.

"Good girl" he whispered as he slammed his middle finger into me causing me to yell in surprise and pleasure.

"Moan" he growled into my ear as his finger thrusted deep into me.

I quickly shook my head no. "Then I'll make you moan baby."

He quickly sped up his pace I was whimpering as my hands held onto his strong biceps.

After a few more thrusts he slipped his middle finger out and seconds later I felt two fingers sliding excruciatingly slowly into me.

"Neyy.." I moaned. And with that moan all of my dignity flew out the window.

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