Chapter 21

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Nadia's POV

I walk into the house and head to the kitchen to make some dinner for myself since I know Marc won't be home.

I place the cooked shrimps into the pasta and stir it in a trance, I feel numb. I'm not pregnant... I never was...

Awhile later the sound of the door slamming shut causes me to go rigged. I know it's Marc...

I stay stiff almost waiting for him to explode on me so I can put him in his place.

I hear footsteps head for the kitchen, I turn off the stove and close my eyes and wait but what I'm waiting for never comes.

"N-Na-Nadia" I hear his voice, but it's in a tone that I've never heard before. I immediately turn and feel my heart break at the site in front of me. Marc is staring at me with the most broken expression I've ever seen. His eyes are puffy and filled with fresh tears. The redness of his eyes makes it's easy to tell that he's been crying for a long time.

 The redness of his eyes makes it's easy to tell that he's been crying for a long time

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"Oh baby" I let out unaware of what I said.

His eyes meet mine in shock, before I realize what I said he races to me on drops on his knees to the floor.
He wraps his arms around my legs.
"I'm s-so s-s-sorry! Its all m-my fault! I couldn't take care of y-you or our baby!" He sobbed out as he clutched onto me.

I felt his warm tears soak into my shirt as my lip wobbled.
"I love y-you s-so much! I'm the worst person in the world! It's not your fault! Nothing was ever your fault!! It was all my fault !" He said sobbing in between.

I felt my own warm tears slide down my face. I never realized how much he wanted to have kids together, I was to busy drowning in self pity when I thought I had lost my baby that I didn't realize how Marc was being affected. How could I be so selfish?!

I drop to my knees with him and wrap my arms around him. "Baby this isn't your fault! Please stop crying." I sobbed along with him.

After a few minutes he's still slightly sobbing, I lift his chin so he's looking at me and I slowly place my lips on his.

At first he's shocked and he doesn't kiss back but after a few seconds he's kissing me back with so much need I almost fall over, I put my hands through his hair as he holds my hips. He presses me closer to him as he lifts us up and takes us to the couch.

With his lips still attached to mine he lays me down and climbs over me. We break apart in need of oxygen and he rests his forehead on mine.

"Only you" he whispers.

"Huh?" I responded still trying to catch my breath.

He looks me in the eyes with an almost guilty look.

"I'm so sorry Nadi" he whispers laying his head on my chest.

I sigh as I run my fingers through his hair, "Marc baby it's not your fault! I have to-"

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry!" He keeps whispering.

"Marc!" I yell he looks up at me almost frightened. "Please I need to tell you something important." I sigh pulling him down and connecting his lips with mine. He pressed he lips further into me mine and slipped his tongue inside. Moaning I tried pushing him off. He pulled us into a sitting position with me on his lap.

"What is it princesa?" He whispered pulling away.

I peck his lips quickly and start to get off his lap, only to have him pull me back down. "Don't go" he rasped, his voice still horse from crying.

I cupped his face in my hands, " I'll be right back Bebe" I smile kissing him passionately before pulling away and walking to find my purse.

I quickly look through and find the paper that I was looking for. I walk back to curious Marc that has been watching my every move this whole time.

I had him the paper as he glances at me nervously. He takes a few minutes reading over the paper with a neutral stare until he comes to a certain area. His eyebrows furrow together as he glances up at me.

"I don't understand" he whispers looking strait up at me.

I climb into his lap and he wraps his strong arms around me.
"What is it baby because I don't understand the diagnosis?" He states brushing my hair back.

"Baby..." I start, " I was miss diagnosed" I say running my fingers through his scalp.

"What's does that mean?" He asks sounding like a young child.

"Mi amor, that means the doctor we went to see at the other hospital was wrong." I say as he looks at me still confused, "Bebe I was never pregnant." I whisper.

He stares blankly past me like he's finally understanding.

After what seems like an hour he kisses my forehead and lifts me off him.
I look into his eyes and I see pure rage. I've never seen Marc like this it's like he's ready to kill.

He stomps past me towards the front door and I race after him.

"Marc! Marc! Marc wait!" I shout blocking the door. "Where are you going?!"

He looks down at me, "I'm going to kill that doctor!" He growls, "he almost ruined us!"

He tries to push past me but I don't budge, "please baby don't! He's not worth it!" I whisper as my lip starts to wobble.

Before he can protest I wrap my arms around his neck and he lifts me up. I firmly place my lips on his and he presses me against the door.

We eventually pull away both breathing heavily.

" I don't understand baby, you passed out. How could you possibly have been misdiagnosed like that?" He states cupping my cheeks.

"The doctor at the other hospital gave me the wrong diagnosis. I fainted because of stress, the paperwork with the miscarriage wasn't mine. They mixed up my paperwork with someone else." I explained.
He huffed and pulled me closer, " I don't know how I'm supposed to feel?" He whispered.

"But I love you so much... and I'm sorry for everything that I put you through." He whispered as pulled me even tighter.

" I'm sorry too baby, this was just another obstacle in our life that we were able to overcome! I love you so much more." I smile leaning into him.

I feel him tense but I ignore it and cuddle into him eventually we both end up falling asleep on the couch.

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