Chapter 17

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Nadia's POV

I struggled pushing him off as his arms were firmly wrapped around my waist and his lips were aggressively assaulting mine.

I began feeling light headed due to the lack of oxygen. I did the only other thing that I could think of, I bit down hard on his lip causing him to immediately break away from me groaning.

"Ouch!" He growled hold his hand to his lip.

I begin gasping being hard due to the oxygen filling my lungs once again.

"Nadia what the hell?!" He yelled glaring at me.

I was still struggling to breathe properly and he must have noticed because his glare turned into a concerned expression.

"Oh my gosh Nadi are you okay?" He asked placing his hand on my shoulders since I was still on his lap.

When he touched I flinched afraid of what he might do to me again. He noticed an gave me sad look, I got off his lap and scooted away from him.

"Nadi baby I'm sorry" he pleaded leaning over to touch me I flinched and slapped his hand away.

"Don-don't t-t-touch me-e!" I yelled at him before opening the car door and running out down the empty wooded trail.

"Nadi! Nadia! Wait!" I heard him yell behind me.

I knew he would eventually catch up to me because I mean come on he plays a professional sport that involves running for a living. At that moment it didn't matter to me though all that mattered was getting away from him and back to Marc.

I was so ashamed of myself I couldn't help but blame myself for letting him do that to me... I basically cheated on Marc.

I heard the crunching of leaves behind me and I knew he was getting closer.

I felt his strong arms wrap around me and prevented me from moving.

"No! Let me go" I growled at him as the tears pored down my face.

"Nadia please stop!" He pleaded softly.

"No you can't just do that Neymar! I have a boyfriend that I love and that loves me! You made me cheat on him!" I cried.

He sighed and let me go, "Nadia... I did it because I-I love you." He whispered.

I stood there shocked not able to move. I felt the oxygen once again leave my body without thinking I took off running down the pathway with Neymar yelling behind me to stop.

I couldn't though I had forgotten how to stop. The only thing that my mind knew at that moment was run. Run away I didn't know whether it was away from Neymar or the thought of loving him back.

I kept running eventually I ran off the path and into the woods I kept running knowing that Neymar was somewhere behind me.

I swerved into the trees and quickly hid behind a bush as I felt my legs begin to give out.

"Nadia! Please come back! Nadia!" I heard him yell as he kept running and passed where I was hiding.

I got up from behind the bush panting heavily and took off back towards the path.
I kept running once I reached the path I ran with all of my strength for what felt like hours.

I finally reached a gas station about an hour after running, I slid down and sat next to the wall. I began to cry, harder than I've ever cried in my life.

"Um excuse me miss are you okay?" A gentle voice asked.

I wiped my tears and looked up to find a old women staring at me concerned.

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