Chapter 6

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Nadia's POV

Overall the game so far is very quick and there is a lot of tension between both teams.

The score is 2-1 with Barcelona winning, both goals from my amazing brother and Madrid's goal was by James.

It was now 10 minutes into the second half and James was running down the pitch with the ball. He was soon stopped by Marc and Gerard.

He quickly passed the ball to Cristiano who was wide open and Cris sent the ball gliding until it connected with the back of the net.

The crowed erupted with cheers as Cristiano pointed at his heart theothern at me. I blushed like crazy and blew him a kiss which he returned, By the look on Marc's face he was furious.

Everyone went back to their positions and off they started again. Neymar had the ball and scored another goal for Barcelona at minute 87 putting Barcelona with a 3-2 victory.

All the Madrid players groaned as they made their way to the locker rooms. Followed by the screams and cheers from the Barca players.

After a short while I decide to go talk to my brother and his team.

I knocked on the door and of course to my dismay Marc opened the door.

"Hey baby" he smirked.

I pushed him aside and made my way inside to see my brother talking to Neymar.

Neymar was sitting on the bench directly in front of Leo and Leo was standing in front of him.

Of course my plan was to jump on his back. I ran and as soon as I jumped Leo ran out of the way and I landed in Neymar's lap.

His hands quickly snaked around my waist so I wouldn't fall as my hands found the back of his neck.

I stared into his beautiful eyes and he looked into mine.

We were both brought back to reality when Leo and the others burst into fits of laughter.

"Leo that wasn't funny" I whined.

"You're right it wasn't funny it was hilarious" he said in between laughs.

I felt the vibrations from Neymar's chest as he chuckled along with the others.

I looked up at him with a deadly glare which caused him to stop laughing.

"Aww aren't they so cute" Gerard said in his best girly voice.

I shook my head and began to stand up when Neymar pulled me back down on his lap.

"No stay" he whispered as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

I smiled and nodded but got up and turned around so I was still on his lap but facing everyone else. He placed each of his hands on one of my thighs. I felt Marc's eyes burning into me but I just decided to ignore it

We all laughed and talked about the game until I remembered Cris.

I got up only to have Neymar pull me back down.

"Neymar I have to go"I groaned

"No you don't minha dochina" he whispered.

"Ney I'd let her go, I don't think Cristiano would be to fond of you touching his girl" Rafinha smirked. Causing Neymar to groan.

I got up and made my way out through the empty stadium to the other side of the field to the Madrid locker rooms.

As soon as I was about to reach the hallway to the Madrid LR I saw something that tore my heart into a million pieces. Cristiano was making out with Irina.

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