Chapter 9

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Marc's POV

She was finally my girlfriend!
After all this time I finally got her back, and it was the most incredible feeling in the world.

I was currently driving towards the address Nadia had put on the GPS.

It wasn't far from my house and we ended up in a decent neighborhood with very elegant and expensive houses.

"147...149...and 151 That one Marc! Turn here!" She squealed cutely as she spotted her new home.

"Yes darling" I chuckled as I pulled into the entrance only to be stopped by a huge metal gate.

"Umn how exactly do you plan on getting inside?" I asked, snapping her back to reality.

"Oh! Right" she smiled and hoped out of the car, closed the door and made her way towards the security panel.

She put in a code and the huge doors drew open cauing her to speak in excitement.

She took off running down the long driveway to the house making me chuckle and shake my head.

I started to drive up the driveway towards a very elegant yet modern house.

When I finally reached the house I chuckled at the most adorable sight.

Small little Nadia was standing in front of the monsterous house.

"Such a big house for such a tiny person" I yelled towards her.

"You can thank my manager for that" She replied as she faced me and stuck out her tongue.

"Very mature babe" I smirked at her.

"Oh hush you love my tongue" She smiled as she stuck it out again.

"Oh you bet I do" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Pervert" she murmured.

I chuckled, pulled her by her waist and kissed her soft cheek.

"So are we going inside or are you planning on living outside" I smiled down at her.

She giggled and made her way to the garage with our fingers intertwined.

She put another code into the garage panel and it opened revealing a black Ferrari.

"Oh my god!!!!" She squealed and ran to luxurious car.

She hopped into the passenger and man I don't think I've seen a sexier sight.

"Stop drowling you animal" she chuckled as she climbed out of the car.

I smirked and pulled her into my arms causing her to squeal cutely.

"I can't help it I have the sexiest girlfriend in the world" I smiled.

"Aww baby" she coed as she stoked my cheeks with her soft hands.

I smiled as she placed a kiss on my nose.

We went inside and explored the whole house.

Needless to say it took us about an hour and a half.

"Marc I'm hungry" she groaned as she flopped down face first on the couch.

"How about we get lunch and then you come and watch my afternoon training?" I smiled as I stood hovering over her.

"Sounds like a plan Mi amor" she smiled as she rolled on her back.

Mi amor? I frowned down.

"Marc? What's wrong baby?" She whispered as she sat up.

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