Chapter 12

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Nadia's POV

A small smile etched onto my face as I looked at yet another familiar magazine cover.

I let out a content sigh before standing up and made my way to the edge of the balcony, that looked over the beautiful city of Barcelona.

It was a truly breathtaking sight, the colorful buildings lined up in rows, and the people bustling from place to place.

To my surprise there was no longer pictures of Cristiano leaving clubs late and being kicked out of bar's on the cover of magazines. There were only pictures of Cristiano Jr and him together.

They both looked extremely happy and content with their father and son bonding.

It's been 2 months since I had spoken to Cris and honestly he was doing great.

He dedicated all of his time to his son and his career. He was now back in the starting 11 ever game, and he was looking happier than ever with Jr by his side.

However I hadn't tried to contact Cristiano and avoided him for 2 specific reasons.

One, I knew it would be better for me to give him space to work on his career and relationship with his son. Two, in all honesty even though it hurts me to say. The love that I felt for Cris wasn't as strong as it once was.

I do love Cristiano but not with the same passion that I once did. It was more of an 'I care for you' rather than an 'I want to spend the rest of my life with you'. But at the end of the day he will always have a special place in my heart.

In other words Neymar had reached out to me telling me how much he missed me.And in all honesty I missed him too.

Neymar was like a second brother to me or a bestfriend.

Sure he was attractive and very likeable but I simply didn't feel anything more for him.

But the dreams however, confused me. They made me question my feelings for Neymar. And yes I was still having the dreams.

Neymar and I had recently been hanging out again. We played soccer together or went to lunch. Of course Marc would come too even though he was mostly glaring at Neymar.

Neymar and I had a strong bond almost like Leo and me, which was purely brotherly.

Marc on the other hand has been the best boyfriend possible.

He would always take me on cute dates or bring me lunch to the studio or work out with me or even take me shopping.

I honestly loved spending time with him, he was a truly amazing guy. And I was very blessed to have someone like him.

Speaking of the devil. I felt his strong arms wrap around my curvy waist.

"Good morning princesa" he whispered in his husky sleepy voice.

"Good morning baby" I hmmed and turned around still in his embrace "how are you feeling?"

I placed the back of my hand against his forehead and felt a barely noticeable warmth.

"I'm feeling a lot better mi amor" he smiled as he placed a small kiss of my forehead," thank you for being my personal nurse." He smirked.

"Your welcome baby" I winked at him causing him to chuckle.

"I'm going back to practice today" he smiled as stroked my cheek.

"That's great baby!" I squealed causing him to chuckle and hug me.

"I don't know how I got so luck" he whispered as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"What do you mean baby? You were sick for 2 weeks! That's not lucky." I said pulling away and giving him a confused look.

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