Chapter 20

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Nadia's POV

I slowly made my way down the stairs to the living room. The first thing that caught my eye was Marc passed out on the couch.

Sighing I walked over to him and took the empty vodka bottle from his hand, he made a few grunting noises before turning over in the couch and falling back asleep.

I made my way into the kitchen and placed the empty glass bottle in the recycling bin. I don't know what made my want to get up this morning but I did. It was about 11 in the afternoon so I started making lunch for Marc since I rarely had an appetite.

Half way through cooking I felt eyes on me, I turned to the door way and saw Marc eyeing me down. His hair was wild and messy, his had a short stubble and huge bags under his eyes. He looked down at the ground and walked to sit at the kitchen island.

I still felt him staring at me but I just ignored it. I plated the pasta I made for him and went to set it down in front of him. He just looked down at the food then at me then back at the food.

I started making my way out of the kitchen until I heard him barely whisper, "It's your fault."

I turned and faced him, "What?" I asked him confused.

He looked up and met my gaze with a fiery stare, "I said it's your fault!" He roared, "It's your fault that my child is dead! It's your fault that I never got a chance to meet my kid! You're the reason that I'm like this! I'm going to get kick off the f*cking team and it's all your fault!" His voice was harsh and venomous, I stood there shocked as the tears started to drip down my face. "It's bad enough that all week you've been in your f*cking room like a coward watching me drown myself and you did nothing. Now out of nowhere you want to walking into the kitchen and cook like there's nothing wrong!"

"How can you say that..." I whispered, "Do you think this doesn't hurt me? Do you think I don't already know it's my fault?! I would've rather died than let my baby die! I didn't know Marc! I would've told you! I promise!" I exhaled as I caught his teary eyed gaze, "I know this is my fault okay... and I know you don't deserve this. I'm sorry. But I needed you Marc! Our child was in me and I didn't know! I killed our baby Marc! I needed you to be there with me... we were supposed to go through this together. Every time I talked to you, you would push me away and blame me... I know okay. I know" I whispered the last part through the tears.

He walked out of the kitchen without sparing a glance at me, while I quickly followed behind him.

"Marc wait please!" I hollered after him as he walked into the garage and pushed the button to open the garage door. "I have a doctor's appointment... please come with me."

He open his car door and turned to me, "Why so they can tell me that my child's dead?! No thanks"

"Marc" I starter, "No! I don't want to hear it! Going back to you was such a mistake!" He yelled at me as he got in his car, slammed the car door, and reversed out of the house.

The pain that I felt in my heart was surreal, I never wanted to experience pain like this but I knew that it was all my fault.

I put on one of Marc's Adidas sweatshirts, leggings and some sneakers and walked out of the house and to the taxi.

"Where too miss?" The young taxi driver asked me.

"Barcelona MD complex please" I replied to him.

He nodded and started driving. I stared out the window as we drove through the streets, for some reason I still couldn't believe that I had been pregnant and worse I couldn't believe that I had lost my baby.

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